Resource Pack 127
October 29, 2024
- Reforesting the banks of the Zio River is a positive response to environmental challenges
- Power dynamics
- Radio spots for preparing for emergency preparedness
- Radio spots for preparing for emergency response
- Soil restoration practices and community identification: The antidote to countering soil degradation
Resource Pack 126
August 20, 2024
- No more famine: How one man led efforts to restore eight square kilometres of Nyakambu swamp in Sheema District, Western Uganda
- Lucky Modi: A drama about infertility
- Guardians of the green: Tackling invasive alien plants to address water scarcity in South Africa
- The importance of care during pregnancy and childbirth
- Beekeeping protects forests and sweetens income for farmers in Mzimba, Malawi
- Exploring opinions and facts about infertility (Den sôrô baliya)
- Community mobilization around water
- Tree nurseries and carbon marketing project help restore degraded land
- Community forest management
- Building resilience: Integrating trees into rangelands in Kamuli and Buyende, Uganda
Resource Pack 125
April 16, 2024
- Biodiversity
- Gender-responsive Nature-based Solutions
- Plant Gliricidia sepium for soil fertility and fuelwood
- Farmers combine crops, livestock, and trees to reap big profits
- Women benefit from growing high-value crops
- Terminology guide to discussing sexual and reproductive health and rights
- How a family divides tasks to address gender inequities
- Addressing gender inequities in unpaid care work in rural and urban Kenya
- The value of men who help raise their children
Resource Pack 124
December 11, 2023
- Restoring degraded land in northern Uganda by planting indigenous trees
- The risks of intergenerational relationships
- Suggested interview questions about unpaid care work
- Unpaid care work
- FAQs on unpaid care
- Radio spots on unpaid care
- Encouraging girls to stay in school
- Unpaid care work
- Misconceptions about contraceptives
- Mangrove rehabilitation and replanting
- The breeze is cool again: Amuria farmers happy vegetation is returning with Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration
- Planted buffer zones protect watercourses
- Rehabilitating mangroves in Ghana
- Beekeeping enriches farmers while preserving the environment
- Reforestation brings hope to Ethiopia’s Bale Mount
- Farmers sustainably grow vegetables and fruits while protecting wetlands
- Benefits of intercropping, cover crops, and agroforestry
- Farmer strategies for adapting to climate change in Zambia
- Farmer strategies for adapting to climate change in Cameroon
- Farmer strategies for adapting to climate change in Uganda
Resource Pack 123
August 24, 2023
- Farmer-managed natural regeneration in Ghana
- New farming techniques bring hope for food security in Batoka, Zambia
- Clandestine abortion in Mali
- Positive and negative masculinity
- Preventive livestock healthcare and veterinary paraprofessionals
- Questions about veterinary paraprofessionals
- Veterinary paraprofessionals and animal health
- Backgrounder and FAQs on puberty
- Forced marriage, an obstacle to youth development in Mali and West Africa
- What the new rules for animal health technicians in South Africa mean for AHTs and farmers
Resource Pack 122
February 1, 2023
- Human trafficking in Mali
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
- Nature-based Solutions
- Gender-based violence
- Yayablé is not crazy: How a husband learned to treat his wife and children with respect
- Causes and consequences of early and forced marriage
- Katungwe Nkukankhana: (See-saws work by pushing each other) Power imbalances in relationships and how to share work and decisions
- How parents can model a change in attitude towards sexual and reproductive health and rights
Resource Pack 121
July 21, 2022
- How farmers can adapt to climate change in Burkina Faso
- Farmer strategies for adapting to climate change in Niger
- What to ask experts about sexual and reproductive health
- What to ask men and women about their experiences with sexual and reproductive health and rights
- 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
- Premarital sex
- Agroecological agriculture in Tanzania
- Preparing feed for local chickens in agroecological ways
- Domestic violence: Consequences and causes
- Are you mine? Sexual consent in young people
- Myths and misconceptions about sexual consent and contraceptives
- Myths and misconceptions about sexual consent and contraceptives
- Selecting seeds and storing them for next season with agroecological principles
- Best agricultural practices for cassava, maize, rice, cocoa, and cowpea production in Nigeria and Ghana
- Hygienic practices for baby care
- Recommended breastfeeding and weaning practices
- Sexual and reproductive health
- Maize, groundnuts, soybean, and rice production
- Addressing the challenges of soil erosion and degradation in Karatu, Tanzania
Resource Pack 120
April 5, 2022
- Domesticating forest fruits to increase farmers’ income
- Chronic COVID-19, or long COVID
- Impacts of COVID-19 on older people, persons with disabilities, and immuno-compromised persons
- Barriers to women’s participation in farming in Mali
- Fertility, pregnancy, and COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa — How does COVID-19 affect women’s reproductive health?
- Overcoming COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: Addressing the many sources of hesitation
- Impact of the pandemic on women and other vulnerable groups
- The cashew tree: A defense against bush fires
- Radio spots on maize, part 2
- Talking about sexualized and gender-based violence (SGBV)
- Best ways to adopt organic practices in market gardening
- Conflicts between farmers and herders caused by climate change—and possible solutions
- Fake news, misinformation, and COVID-19
- Suggested interview questions: COVID-19 vaccine information and preventative measures
- Stronger together: The marketing benefits of cooperation between farmers
- COVID-19 spots from your fellow broadcasters: Preventative measures, misinformation, vaccines, and the impacts of COVID-19
- Benefits of crop companion planting and mutualism
- Improving women’s access to farmland in northern Ghana
- From period poverty to period parity: Keeping girls safe and happy
- Control of cassava brown streak disease in Zambia
- Deforestation in Mali: Dangerous practices obstruct reforestation
- Rights of rural women in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia
- Impact of pesticides on the health of pregnant women, infants and the fetus
- COVID-19 vaccines, vaccine promotion, public health measures, and gender equality and inclusion
Resource Pack 119
October 5, 2021
- Climate change and its impact on agriculture in Mozambique
- Warehouse receipt systems: Security and better prices for grain farmers
- Rights of rural women in Ethiopia
- Women in non-traditional technical and vocational education and training
- Production and post-harvest activities for rice in Ghana
- Radio spots on cassava, part 2
- Finances for farmers
- Post-harvest activities in pigeon pea
- Rights of rural women in Côte d’Ivoire
- Incorporating agroforestry and conservation agriculture in soybean production
- Tips on providing weather services on the radio
- Roots and tubers – cassava, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, and yam
- Rice producers in Mali adopt new strategies to sell their rice
- Radio spots on COVID-19 vaccines
- Women’s participation in TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training): Barriers, benefits, policies, and programs
- Good agricultural practices on cassava production, case of Côte d’Ivoire
- Answers to your frequently asked questions on COVID-19 vaccines
- Increasing sustainability in the cocoa value chain through locally adapted climate-smart practices
- The 4R approach to fertilizer application, identifying nutrient deficiencies, and crop scouting
Resource Pack 118
July 27, 2021
- Radio spots on gender issues
- Radio spots on maize
- System of Rice Intensification, including marketing and the impact of climate change
- Post-harvest mango activities, organic mango production, mechanization, and using renewable energy
- Managing VSLAs safely during COVID
- Advancing youth entrepreneurship in agribusiness, succession planning, VSLAs, and making money safely during COVID-19
- Why and how youth should/could get involved in agriculture
- Making money safely from agriculture during COVID-19
- Why and how youth should get involved in agriculture
- Improving resilience to changes in the climate for farmers
- Succession planning and shared decision-making in family farming
- Making money safely during COVID-19
- Groundnut production: The challenges and solutions of drying, sorting, and shelling