You are looking at scripts about Gender equality

How a family divides tasks to address gender inequities

March 6, 2024

SFX:                                                     Signature tune. HOST:                                                Hello listeners, welcome back to your favourite program, The healthy family. Today, we have a special focus on unpaid care work in homes, and how sharing household responsibilities between men and women can benefit families. Unpaid care work involves domestic chores and the direct care of persons, including children, the…

Addressing gender inequities in unpaid care work in rural and urban Kenya

March 6, 2024

HOST:                                                        In most Kenyan cultures, children are brought up to believe that men provide basic needs for the family, while women are homemakers and take care of everyone and everything in the home. Because of this, women end up doing most of the domestic work and other unpaid care work in the household. How…

Radio spots on unpaid care

March 6, 2024

Spot #1: Appreciating women’s unpaid care work NARRATOR:                                   Men! It’s finally Friday, and the end of another long work week! You’ve worked hard! But do you know what’s just as important as your work? The work your spouse does at home. After a long, hard day at work, isn’t it nice to come home…

Encouraging girls to stay in school

March 6, 2024

Signature tune up, then fade out HOST:                                                          Welcome, listeners. The topic of today’s program is keeping girls in school in Burkina Faso. Although they are in the majority, girls face difficulties in accessing school, staying in the education system, and succeeding in school. This is due to a number of socio-cultural factors and constraints,…

Unpaid care work

March 6, 2024

What is unpaid care work? Care work consists of activities “to meet the physical, psychological, and emotional needs of adults and children, old and young, frail and able-bodied. It includes direct caregiving activities related to caring for children, the elderly, people with illnesses, and people with disabilities, as well as indirect or domestic work such…

The value of men who help raise their children

March 6, 2024

INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC UP, THEN FADE OUT HOST:                                                Hello and welcome to today’s discussion. We are going to be talking about unpaid care work, which is household and community work that society has assigned to women and girls as bearing the primary responsibility to perform such duties. In this script we speak to a young couple,…

Misconceptions about contraceptives

February 23, 2024

HOST:                                                Good morning (afternoon, evening), listeners, and welcome to our weekly health show. Misconceptions about contraceptives are prevalent in many communities in Malawi, particularly among adolescents. Contraceptives is a complex topic, influenced by cultural, social, and educational factors. It’s also important to note that perceptions, beliefs, and perspectives can vary widely within any society….

Clandestine abortion in Mali

November 21, 2023

HOST:       Dear listeners, welcome to your weekly program on your favourite radio station.   We are honoured to have three guests in the studio to discuss the topic of the day: clandestine abortion. We’ll be discussing the causes, consequences, and possible solutions to prevent clandestine abortions, which often endanger women’s lives. We’ll hear…

Positive and negative masculinity

November 21, 2023

Introduction In Mali, the Personal and Family Code states that women must obey their husbands. The husband is considered the head of the family and has parental authority. The same law allows polygamy and sets the marriage age at 18 for boys and 16 for girls. Yet the country’s constitution clearly states that all its…

Celebrating rural women

October 10, 2023

Read FRI’s radio resources on rural women Dear broadcasting partners, International Day of Rural Women is observed on 15 October every year to recognize their vital role in food systems and rural development. From the production of crops to the processing, preparation and distribution of food, women’s work paid and unpaid feeds their families, communities…