You are looking at scripts about Gender equality

Backgrounder and FAQs on puberty

September 22, 2023

Introduction Puberty is a period during which the human body changes from childhood to adulthood. The sexual organs and the body develop and/or change. The bodily changes observed during puberty are due to major hormonal changes. The endocrine glands, notably the ovaries and testes, produce sex hormones. This transformation can make girls and boys question…

Forced marriage, an obstacle to youth development in Mali and West Africa

September 11, 2023

  HOST :  Hello, dear listeners, welcome to our show. Today, we’ll be talking with our guests about forced marriage, who will speak about the causes and consequences of forced marriage. We’ll also talk about what associations and organizations are doing to put an end to the practice. We will talk to three resource persons….

Human trafficking in Mali

June 15, 2023

HOST: Good morning, dear listeners. Today, we are going to talk to you about human trafficking for sexual exploitation in Mali. Located in West Africa, Mali also borders countries in North Africa. This situation facilitates human trafficking in various ways. These are high migration areas where borders are not well controlled. People enter, leave, and…

Gender-based violence

April 26, 2023

Questions for women survivors of gender-based violence 1. I understand that you have experienced gender-based violence. Thank you for being here to share your experiences today. How did it start? a. What was the nature of the violence? b. How long did it last? c. How did you feel at the time? 2. What did…

Yayablé is not crazy: How a husband learned to treat his wife and children with respect

April 25, 2023

Main characters: Yayablé: Head of the family, Djôminè’s husband, and an important citizen of Tènèbougou Djôminè: Yayablé’s wife Sidi: First child and son of Yayablé and Djôminè Dodo: Second child and daughter of Yayablé and Djôminè Zanzou: Yayablé’s friend and Djôminè’s brother The narrator     SCENE 1: Yayablé and his values   NARRATOR: Yayablé…

Causes and consequences of early and forced marriage

April 19, 2023

FADE UP SIGNATURE TUNE, THEN OUT HOST: Early and forced marriage is a human rights violation and a type of gender-based violence. These practices have enormous consequences on a girl’s life. They affect her health, the development of her body, and her education. In early and forced marriage, the girl’s consent is not taken into…

Katungwe Nkukankhana: (See-saws work by pushing each other) Power imbalances in relationships and how to share work and decisions

February 1, 2023

Characters CHIMWEMWE: Newly married to Takondwa. Only son in his family and not involved in activities traditionally considered to be women’s work in Malawi. TAKONDWA: Newly married and wife of Chimwemwe. Grew up in a family where male and female children shared housework equitably. NAGAMA: Wife of Betha, and a Cluster leader in the Scaling…

How parents can model a change in attitude towards sexual and reproductive health and rights

February 1, 2023

HOST: Hello and welcome, listeners! In the program this afternoon, we will discuss how parents can model a change in attitudes towards sexual and reproductive health and rights, also known as SRHR. I will take you to one of the districts in Malawi where youths are busy with various activities that help to develop their…

What to ask men and women about their experiences with sexual and reproductive health and rights

November 24, 2022

1. What does sexual and reproductive health mean to you? a. How do you take care of your sexual and reproductive health? b. Are you comfortable discussing sexual and reproductive health openly with your sexual partner? Why or why not? c. Are you comfortable discussing sexual and reproductive health openly with your family? Your friends?…

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

November 24, 2022

  Spot #1: Breaking the silence around gender-based violence   YADICKO: What’s going on here? Nana, has your husband been hitting you again? NANA: Yes, my friend. He always beats me. YADICKO: My God! What are you going to do? NANA: Do?! Don’t you know that marriage is sacred? A wife has to put up…