You are looking at scripts about Soil health

Kenyan Farmer Uses Organic Farming Practices

June 1, 2005

FADE UP SIGN TUNE THEN UNDER. Host: Welcome listener to our program of today. FADE UP SIGNATURE TUNE THEN UNDER. Host: Today we’ll hear from a farmer, George Opondo from Kobare village in Kenya. Mr. Opondo has been practicing new innovations in his environmentally friendly farming system. Stay tuned to hear his experiences next. FADE…

Harvesting Soil and Water on Hillsides

September 1, 2003

Characters Child: (boy or girl of about 9 or 10 years) Grandfather INTRO. THEME MUSIC AND HOLD UNDER ANNOUNCER (5 secs). HOST -Today as we continue our series on farmer innovation and success stories from around the world, you’re going to hear about local innovation by farmers among the Irob people who live in Tigray Region…

Soil Conservation Saves the Land, Even When a Hurricane Strikes

July 1, 2002

Characters: Narrator Farmer José Farmer Juan Farmer Carlos Researcher Narrator: Several years ago, a strong hurricane, called Hurricane Mitch, struck Central America. Strong winds hit the coast, followed by a week of rain. The storm dumped more than a metre of rain on the countries of Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala. Floods and mudslides destroyed homes,…

The Work of the Earthworm

October 1, 2001

Characters Philip Kwan:   A city radio host Dr. Compost, Ph.D. (Peter Composter)  Agricultural specialist in his 70s, somewhat forgetful. He has a farming background but also a university education. His problem is that, sometimes, he digresses from the topic. Nevertheless, the information he provides is always interesting, useful and practical. INTRODUCE THEME MUSIC AND…

Dr. Compost Answers Questions About Soil Improvement

October 1, 2001

Characters Philip Kwan:   A city radio host Dr. Compost, Ph.D. (Peter Composter): Agricultural specialist, about age 70, somewhat forgetful. He has a farming background but also a university education. His problem is that, sometimes, he digresses from the topic. Nevertheless, the information he provides is always interesting, useful and practical. Malex (Caller #1) Shirley (Caller #2) INTRODUCE…

Make Compost in Pits

October 1, 2001

Characters Philip Kwan:   A city radio host Dr. Compost, Ph.D.:  (Peter Composter): Agricultural specialist, about age 70, and somewhat forgetful. He has a farming background but also a university education. His problem is that, sometimes, he wanders away from the topic. Nevertheless, the information he provides is always interesting, useful and practical. INTRODUCE THEME…

Dr. Compost Talks About Compost Piles

October 1, 2001

Characters Philip Kwan:   A city radio host Dr. Compost, Ph.D. (Peter Composter):   Agricultural specialist, about age 70, somewhat forgetful. He has a farming background but also a university education. His problem is that, sometimes, he digresses from the topic. Nevertheless, the information he provides is always interesting, useful and practical. INTRODUCE THEME MUSIC…

The Mazibuko Trench Garden

July 1, 2001

INTRO. MUSIC. AND HOLD UNDER ANNOUNCER. Announcer: Today’s program is about the value of local wisdom. In your community there is local wisdom about farming, about medicine – and about many other things. This wisdom is often passed on to us to by elders. As this story shows, local wisdom is important because it can…

One Good Idea Leads to Another in Cameroon

July 1, 2001

Host: The program you are about to hear is about understanding and respecting local farming practices. Sometimes these practices are passed down from our parents and grandparents and we continue to use them because they still work well. But sometimes farmers develop new practices based on their own ideas and experiments. The farmers in this story…

Grow your own Fertilizer – Plant Cover Crops with Maize

January 1, 2001

Program host: Every day fertilizers cost more and more. And have you noticed that the fertilizers you buy don’t always keep the soil fertile? For this reason, many farmers around the world are growing cover crops — crops that cover the soil and keep it fertile. Cover crops are fertilizer crops. Could you grow fertilizer…