You are looking at scripts about Gender equality

Youth health and education

August 12, 2022

Youth today face many unique challenges. Adolescence and early adulthood bring many changes to the body and mind. At the same time, youth are making important decisions about their education and what will come next in their lives. The COVID-19 pandemic, combined with conflicts around the world, climate change, and other stresses, make these life…

Barriers to women’s participation in farming in Mali

July 6, 2022

HOST: Good morning, Mrs. Namaoro Coulibaly. NAMAORO COULIBALY: Thanks for having me, and hello to all the listeners! HOST: You are the regional chairperson of the Tchimporoko Co-operative of women farmers in Sikasso, Mali. Welcome. We also have Mr. Mamadou Bassirou N’Diaye, an agricultural specialist. Welcome, Mr. N’Diaye. MR. BASSIROU N’DIAYE: Thank you. It’s a…

Fertility, pregnancy, and COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa — How does COVID-19 affect women’s reproductive health?

July 6, 2022

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic is a major health crisis caused by a virus that appeared in China in late 2019. In January 2020, this infectious disease began to spread to Europe and the Americas and eventually reached Africa, with Egypt announcing the continent’s first confirmed case on February 14, 2020. (1) Less than two weeks…

Talking about sexualized and gender-based violence (SGBV)

June 15, 2022

SFX: SIGNATURE TUNE UP, THEN UNDER HOST: Hello, cherished listeners, this is Heart FM and you are listening to Radio Buzz Feed. My name is Karim Stephan, and I’m bringing you the best talk show on air. Stay tuned! SFX: SIGNATURE TUNE UP THEN OUT HOST: Welcome to Radio Buzz Feed—settle down and relax, feed…

Improving women’s access to farmland in northern Ghana

June 1, 2022

SFX: Signature tune. HOST: Hello, listener! Welcome to another edition of the program for farmers, Farm Right. Today, our focus will be on women and access to farmland, especially in northern Ghana. Do you know that, despite the fact that women account for a large proportion of Ghana’s agricultural workforce, women have limited or no…

From period poverty to period parity: Keeping girls safe and happy

May 18, 2022

SIGNATURE TUNE HOST: Many girls in Africa miss school during their menstrual period because they cannot afford sanitary towels. A recent study by the World Bank reports that, on average, girls miss school four days every four weeks. In today’s program, we hear from girls who are affected by this, and we also learn about…

Rights of rural women in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia

April 13, 2022

Introduction The status of women in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) is much the same as in other countries in Africa. This backgrounder focuses on the situation in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia, SADC countries that have signed regional and international agreements on gender equality and women’s empowerment, including the Maputo Protocol on the Rights…

Rights of rural women in Ethiopia

March 3, 2022

Introduction  Ethiopian women have played the traditional role of mother and homemaker in both rural and urban areas. In addition to their farming work, women also engage in unpaid work in their household such as cooking for the family, grinding grain, fetching water, gathering fuelwood, doing laundry, and cleaning barns. However, their work has never…

Women in non-traditional technical and vocational education and training

March 2, 2022

SPOT # 1: Funding opportunities for training   NARRATOR: Did you know that there are funding opportunities for young women who want to be trained to pursue non-traditional technical careers? There are opportunities and jobs for women as engineers, surveyors, architects, technicians, and machinists. And also as artisans and tradespersons in sectors like construction, oil…

Rights of rural women in Côte d’Ivoire

February 16, 2022

1. Introduction According to the fourth general population and housing census in 2014, the total population of Côte d’Ivoire is estimated at 22,671,331, composed of 51.6% men and 48.4% women. This population is distributed between urban (50.3%) and rural areas (49.7%). The estimated population in 2021 was 27.1 million. Despite the existence of a legal…