You are looking at scripts about Environment and climate change

Farmers sustainably grow vegetables and fruits while protecting wetlands

January 10, 2024

HOST:                                                Wetlands are areas of land where water covers the soil, either seasonally or permanently. They include swamps, and have unique systems of groundwater movement, waterlogged soils, and vegetation that is well-adapted to water. Wetlands provide important ecological services such as controlling floods, purifying water, and providing habitat and support for many plant and…

Climate change

December 22, 2023

Dear broadcasting partners, Since 2019, FRI has collaborated with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research to create resources on how farmers in various African countries can adapt to climate change. The resources provide the most current information on how climate change is affecting the weather and climate in the country, and on how it’s…

Benefits of intercropping, cover crops, and agroforestry

December 19, 2023

FILIUS JERE:                                  Climate change is a very big concern for many people today. Many things, but primarily human activities, cause climate change. However, in a nutshell, people’s reckless handling of the environment is mostly to blame. The use of fossil fuels and deforestation are two of the major causes of climate change, and the impacts…

Farmer strategies for adapting to climate change in Zambia

December 11, 2023

INTRO SIGTUNE FILIUS:                                             Welcome to Farming is a Business, your weekly program on successful farming. My name is Filius Chalo Jere, and I’m here with my co-presenter, Ndabile Liche. Together, we aim to deliver timely farming information that can improve your farm productivity and enhance your household food security and income. NDABILE:                                        Indeed,…

Farmer strategies for adapting to climate change in Cameroon

December 11, 2023

HOST 1:                                             Good morning, listeners. HOST 2:                                             Good morning, everyone. Today we are going to talk about a topic that every farmer is talking about – the changing weather. We’re going to talk about climate change – what it will mean for farmers in Cameroon, and exactly what they can do to best…

Farmer strategies for adapting to climate change in Uganda

December 11, 2023

HOST 1: Good morning, everyone, and welcome to today’s program, where we will be talking about climate change. HOST 2: Good morning and you are right, we are talking about climate change and we will learn how farmers in Uganda can practice farming methods that can help them adapt to the changing weather. HOST 1:…

Farmer-managed natural regeneration in Ghana

November 28, 2023

SFX:  Signature tune THEN FADE UNDER HOST:  Hello listeners, welcome back to our farmer program, Farm right. Today, we have a special focus on an interesting practice called Farmer-managed natural regeneration, or FMNR. According to World Agroforestry, FMNR is an affordable and easy way of restoring and improving agricultural, forest, and pasture lands. It promotes…

New farming techniques bring hope for food security in Batoka, Zambia

November 21, 2023

Alice Lungu:  Batoka is a small town in the southern province of Zambia. It has already experienced adverse effects from climate change, including a huge decrease in agricultural productivity, an increase in deaths of livestock resulting from loss of feed, dried-up rivers and other water bodies, and flooding. The government of Zambia and its partners…

Nature-based Solutions

April 27, 2023

Definition of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) Nature-based Solutions can be defined as “actions to protect, sustainably manage and restore natural and modified ecosystems in ways that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, to provide both human well-being and biodiversity benefits,” according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). NbS targets major challenges such as…

Agroecological agriculture: What’s it all about?

January 5, 2023

Here is our theme pack for January, this time about agroecological agriculture. Agroecological agriculture is the application of ecological principles to the management of agricultural and food systems, and integrates social, biological, and agricultural science with traditional knowledge. Agroecological approaches to farming often use practices such as crop rotation and intercropping, and use biological solutions…