You are looking at scripts about Agriculture
The theme pack includes five items from our Resource Packs: one backgrounder, three interview scripts, and one five-part drama. Three Resource Pack items are available in Swahili. The theme pack also includes nine Barza Wire stories, two of which are available in Swahili. Backgrounder Backgrounder on growing common bean Interviews Managing diseases and pests in…
Maize: Production & post-harvest
The theme pack includes seven items from our Resource Packs: two backgrounders, four interview scripts, and one drama including one item in Swahili. It also includes six Barza Wire stories. In addition, the theme pack contains five videos from Access Agriculture, with three available in Swahili, and 19 videos from Shamba Shape Up, with all…
Keeping an eye on Fall armyworm: Monitoring the pest so it doesn’t destroy your maize
HOST: Hello, listeners. In our program today, we have a story from Ethiopia where farmers are monitoring their maize fields so their plants don’t get infested with Fall Armyworm. We will share with you the experience of an Ethiopian farmer, Mrs. Aynadis. Mrs. Aynadis, please introduce yourself to our listeners. MRS. AYNADIS: Thank you. My…
Seeds and seed breeding
Introduction The majority of human food starts as seeds, especially the seeds of cereal crops, legumes, nuts, vegetables, and fruit. Seeds are generally defined as embryonic plants developing inside a protective outer covering called a seed coat. Planting materials such as cuttings are also included in the broad definition of “seed,” as they are…
Malt barley production in Ethiopia
Why is this subject important to listeners? Barley is a traditional crop in Ethiopia. It has a deep-rooted history of being used in traditional food and beverages. Production of malting barley has a very short history. It is mainly associated with beer making in Ethiopia, which started in the early 1920s with the establishment…
Reducing post-harvest losses in tomatoes
Introduction Why is this subject important to listeners? Because farmers and processors who handle fresh tomatoes after harvest need to know: When tomatoes are ready for harvesting and how to properly harvest them. How to reduce on- and off-farm tomato losses. The right environmental conditions for storing fresh tomatoes. The degree of perishability of tomatoes…
Reducing post-harvest losses in maize
Introduction Why is this subject important to listeners? Because maize growers, traders, and processors should know: How to manage maize before harvesting to reduce post-harvest losses and infestation. The right harvesting equipment. The right time to harvest maize. How to effectively dry maize after harvest to avoid fungal infection and determine when it is sufficiently…
Mangoes: Production and post-harvest
This theme pack includes five items from our Resource Packs and three Farmer stories from Barza Wire, and includes two Resource Pack items in Swahili. In addition, we have ten videos from Access Agriculture and ten videos from Shamba Shape Up, nine of which are available in Swahili. Backgrounder Backgrounder: Reducing post-harvest losses in mango…
Resources about cassava
The theme pack includes 15 items from our Resource Packs and 13 Farmer stories from Barza Wire, including 6 Resource Pack items and 2 Farmer stories in Swahili. Backgrounders Backgrounder: Cassava mosaic disease Backgrounder: Post-harvest activities in cassava Issue Pack: Cassava value chain in Tanzania – production Dramas One head cannot lift a roof (Mutu…
Scripts and stories about farmer knowledge and innovation
Here is our latest monthly theme pack of FRI resources, this month about farmer knowledge and innovation. The items in this pack demonstrate that farmers are not dependent on external experts, that they have a wealth of knowledge and, through experience and experimentation, are constantly innovating and refining agricultural practices. The theme pack includes sixteen…