Resource Pack 117
June 3, 2021
- Rice
- Baobab creates jobs and reduces poverty in Mozambique
- 4R approach to applying fertilizer
- Good practices in production and post-harvest management. Adapting to and mitigating climate change in conventional soybean production in Togo
- Legumes: Multipurpose crops for small-scale farmers in Ethiopia
- Managing aflatoxin contamination throughout the groundnut value chain
- Effects of climate change and animal disease on dairy farming in Zambia
- Radio spots on cassava
- Production and post-harvest practices for organic soybean
- Recommended post-harvest actions to maximize soybean quality and value
- Safely managing VSLAs (chamas) during COVID-19
- Production practices for wheat
- Ivorian cocoa: Access to finance is the key to success for women in the cocoa bean processing industry
- Marketing pigeon peas in Mozambique: Challenges and solutions
- Good agronomic practices for legume production in Ethiopia, focusing on faba bean
- Pregnant women and COVID-19
- Succession planning and shared decision-making in family farming
- Honey production in Ethiopia
- Post-harvest activities in soybeans in Malawi
- Radio spots on rice
Resource Pack 116
December 22, 2020
- Careful, safe, and wise pest management – with and without pesticides
- Women’s roles in marketing farm produce
- Good hygiene for good health
- Getting it right: The right way to apply fertilizer
- Managing Village Savings and Loan Associations safely during COVID-19
- Why and how youth should get involved in agriculture
- Poultry and small ruminant vaccine availability and effectiveness
- 4R approach to applying fertilizer
- Pest management in market gardening
- Organic fertilizers
- Rights of rural women in Senegal
- Glossary of key terms associated with COVID-19
Resource Pack 115
October 1, 2020
- How-to farming and health resources
- Lockdown rage: Gender-based violence during COVID-19
- COVID-19 and farmers: Responding to a pandemic in rural Rwanda
- Good agricultural practices for vegetable production in Ghana
- Impact of COVID-19 on availability of fresh vegetables and how farmers and others are coping
- Safe management of medical waste, a challenge for our health centres
- Gender equality: Fighting for women’s rights
- Vegetable production
- Using pesticides safely
- Farmer strategies for adapting to climate change in Ethiopia
- Radio spots on COVID-19 – part two
- Managing pests in stored cowpeas
- The importance of a healthy diet for pregnant women
- Fires deliberately set for agriculture, their impacts and alternatives
- Radio spots on UNDFF – part two
- The state of adolescent reproductive and sexual health and health care in Burkina Faso
- Female genital mutilation in the Kolda Region of Senegal: A practice that persists
- Women farmers of Adiepena learn about registering land in Ghana
- Stay ahead of the curve and respond to COVID-19
- How to keep food fresh for longer
- The rights of rural women in Burkina Faso
- UN Decade of Family Farming
- Radio spots on UNDFF – part one
- Join the campaign. Become a Voice for Family Farmers
- UNDFF radio campaign
- Dealing with the farmer’s main competitors: Managing pests
Resource Pack 114
May 1, 2020
- Stigma associated with COVID-19 and vaccination
- It comes like fire: Managing late blight of potato in Nigeria
- Adding value to farm produce: Soybeans
- Marketing farm produce
- Nutrition
- The use of contraceptives in schools
- Radio spots on COVID-19 – part one
- Answers to your frequently asked questions on COVID-19
- Reforestation in the Kolda region of Senegal
- Desert locust situation in East Africa
- Key information on COVID-19 for broadcasters
Resource Pack 113
December 15, 2019
- Farmer strategies for adapting to climate change in Ghana
- Irish potato production and post-harvest activities
- Dementia: What it is and how to support a family member with dementia
- The power failure: Healing gaps in communication between teenagers and their parents
- Maternal and infant mortality, why don’t we talk about it?
- Sorghum production
- Backgrounder: Rights of rural women in Mali
- Managing pests in stored maize
Resource Pack 112
July 3, 2019
- Sexual consent
- Senegalese farmers struggle to find solutions to soil salinity
- Farming wisdom: Enhancing lives with conservation agriculture
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
- Gender inequalities in land rights in Africa
- Post-harvest management of Irish potatoes
- Production of Irish potatoes
- Managing livestock diseases: Mycoplasmosis and coccidiosis
- Tomato marketing and transportation
- Pest management in mangoes
Resource Pack 111
March 14, 2019
- Integrated pest management (IPM)
- Cocoa production
- Production and postharvest activities for sesame
- Rice production and post-harvest activities
- Production and postharvest activities for fonio
- How farmers in Ethiopia manage Fall armyworm
- Farmers use traditional and chemical methods to manage insect pests of maize in western Tanzania
- Women farmers use local methods to fight pests and diseases in beans
- Maize farmers overcome postharvest challenges
- Storing dairy fodder for the dry season increases farmers’ income
Resource Pack 110
January 6, 2019
Covers a variety of topics, including stroke, Fall armyworm, and post-harvest practices for tomatoes and maize.
- Breaking the silence around infertility in women and men
- Dairy production
- The benefits of conservation agriculture
- Stroke
- Stroke is not terminal: How caregivers and health professionals can help survivors recover from the impacts of a stroke
- Handling the financial impact of stroke and modifying the home to make it safe for stroke survivors
- Keeping an eye on Fall armyworm: Monitoring the pest so it doesn’t destroy your maize
- Seeds and seed breeding
- Malt barley production in Ethiopia
- Reducing post-harvest losses in tomatoes
- Reducing post-harvest losses in maize
Resource Pack 109
August 30, 2018
- Training animals to do farm work
- Handling animal manure
- Care of a newborn calf and its mother
- Reducing post-harvest losses in mango
- Improved porridge tackles child malnutrition
- Using chemical pesticides safely: The case of Fall armyworm in Ethiopia
- Stroke survivors practice physical therapies to recover after a stroke
- How families and other caregivers can help survivors deal with the physical and psychological impacts of a stroke
- Restoring the past for a brighter future: Recovering and improving traditional seeds in Safo, Mali
- Conservation agriculture: High yields, low production costs, and improved soil fertility
- Kuapa, nea ofo dua pa na yepia no (Help is given only to those who make an effort): Farmers try no-till farming in Ghana’s Ashanti Region
- Backgrounder: Using permanent soil cover in conservation agriculture
- Fall armyworm (Updated)
Resource Pack 108
March 16, 2018
- Preserving wild food plants ensures a better future for all
- Bushbabies are meat, too: Farmers in Malawi use indigenous plants to manage pests and livestock diseases
- Ethiopian farmers restore indigenous seed varieties
- Farmers in Ethiopia tend sorghum with care to improve their livelihoods
- The benefits of intercropping
- Women farmers using conservation agriculture offer tips to increase yield
- Local farmers find ways to scale-up conservation agriculture to larger areas
- Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 5
- Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 4
- Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 3
- Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 2
- Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 1
- Beans, a family affair