This script was written by Isaac Rashid, a freelance writer in Hamilton, Canada. It was reviewed by John Russell, Communications Officer on the AIDS Committee of Toronto, Canada and by Iain McLellan, Communications Consultant, Montreal, Canada.
Information sources
“AIDS,” in Footsteps, No.6, March 1991. Tear Fund, 100 Church Road, Teddington TW118QE, U.K.
“TB and AIDS,” in Footsteps, No. 19 June 1994. Tear Fund, 100 Church Road, Teddington, TW118QE, U.K.
“Global Programme on AIDS, The HIV/AIDS pandemic: 1994 Overview,” pgs 1 15, WHO/GPA/TCO/SEF/94.4. World Health Organization, Distribution and Sales, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
“AIDS Parts 1 3” in Outreach, No. 52, 53, 54. The Teaching and Learning Centre, 200 East Building, 239 Greene Street, New York University, NY 10003, USA.
“AIDS and Development,” Panos Briefing, Nov. 1992, 24 pages. Panos Institute, 9 White Lion Street, London N1 9PD, U.K.
Status of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic as of January 1995, The Global AIDS Policy Coalition, Cambridge, MA. USA., 8 pages. Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard, Massachusetts.