Interview scripts feature interviews with two farmers or rural people and one or two subject-matter experts, exploring a challenge and possible solutions. They also feature and intro and extro by the radio show host. They are written by African journalists, based on real interviews.
Interview scripts can be translated and adapted as necessary to suit the local context, then performed on air as dramatized interviews. Or reach them as inspiration and guidance for your own interviews.
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Use Moringa Seeds to Clean Dirty or Polluted Water
ANNOUNCER: Dirty water can kill you! Or make you very sick. It’s true. You probably already know that you can boil your water to make it safe for drinking. However, boiling water is expensive and not always easy – it uses a lot of fuel. But there is another way to clean water. Let’s find…
AIDS Part 1: What am I?
First Part Host: Welcome friends to the radio show that will test your knowledge about a virus that is spreading quickly throughout the world. We have three guests with us today; Rodrigo from Mexico, Liu from China and Michael from South Africa. We are going to test their knowledge. They may ask several questions about the…
Changes for Men and Women on the Farm
Joseph Onyango: Hello Odera! How are you and your family? I have not seen you since the village meeting last week. Frederick Odera: Yes, hello Onyango! I am fine and my family too. We have been very busy on the farm so I have not been able to come to the market. Joseph Onyango: Why are you…
Grow Forage Shrubs and Trees for Livestock Feed
The National University of Tachira and the radio station Ecos del Torbes in Venezuela present “Don Pancho and his Farming Friends”, a program of practical information to help farmers improve production. Don Pancho: Good day to all my dear farming friends. Today we will talk about several low-cost ways of improving your livestock feed. We…
Co-operative series: A village garden co-operative – Part 6
HOST: Things had happened so quickly, the villagers could hardly believe that a whole year had passed since Maria first suggested starting a co-operative in the village. Now, the Sunshine Garden Co-operative was going strong. A wagon full of fresh onions was on its way to the city market. Nawat was chosen to go to…
Co-operative series: A village garden co-operative – Part 5
Summary of “A Village Garden Co-operative – Parts 1 and 2,” from Package 22: The people in a village faced another year of hunger because their crops failed once again. The soil was exhausted. Rain had swept away the topsoil on the hillside, and winds had blown the land dry. One villager, Maria, thought the…
Neem trees provide safe no-cost control of many insects, part 4: Protection of stored grains
Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Newspaper and magazine articles, leaflets, fact sheets, posters, extension visits, village or classroom lessons, flip charts, plays, songs, poems, puppet shows, and radio broadcasts. These are some of the ways you can use DCFRN items. Content: Neem leaves taken directly from the trees can be used…
Neem trees provide safe no-cost control of many insects, part 3: Make neem leaf spray at any time
Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Throughout the year, neem trees have green leaves which make a good spray for dealing with insect pests. While a more effective spray can be made from neem seeds, they are only available once a year when the trees bear fruit. Farmers who do not dry…
Neem trees provide safe no-cost control of many insects, part 2: Neem seed spray protects crops
Save and edit this resource as a Word document. A very good spray can be made easily from the seeds of the neem tree. It is effective for dealing with many chewing and sucking insect pests in the larva or adult stages of their life cycle. Seeds are dried, crushed into powder, and soaked overnight…
Neem trees provide safe no-cost control of many insects, Part 1 – introduction
Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Many problems are caused by using poisonous chemical insecticides. Farmers who use neem trees for dealing with insect pests do not have these problems. This item is an introduction to the value and use of neem. Information on this subject area was requested by participants in…