
Interview scripts feature interviews with two farmers or rural people and one or two subject-matter experts, exploring a challenge and possible solutions. They also feature and intro and extro by the radio show host. They are written by African journalists, based on real interviews.

Interview scripts can be translated and adapted as necessary to suit the local context, then performed on air as dramatized interviews. Or reach them as inspiration and guidance for your own interviews.

  • All
  • Agriculture
  • Aquaculture
  • Children and youth
  • Climate change
  • Community development
  • Crop production
  • Energy
  • Environment and climate change
  • Gender equality
  • Health
  • Hygiene and sanitation
  • Land issues
  • Livestock and beekeeping
  • Marketing and market information
  • Nature-based Solutions
  • Nutrition
  • Post-harvest activities
  • Social issues
  • Soil health
  • Trees and agroforestry
  • Water management

Dr. Compost Answers Questions About Soil Improvement

Characters Philip Kwan:   A city radio host Dr. Compost, Ph.D. (Peter Composter): Agricultural specialist, about age 70, somewhat forgetful. He has a farming background but also a university education. His problem is that, sometimes, he digresses from the topic. Nevertheless, the information he provides is always interesting, useful and practical. Malex (Caller #1) Shirley (Caller #2) INTRODUCE…

Prevent Bird Damage to Crops

Characters Philip Kwan:  A city radio host Dr. Compost, Ph.D (Peter Composter): Agricultural specialist in his 70s, somewhat forgetful. He has a farming background but with a university education. His problem is that, sometimes, he digresses from the topic. Nevertheless, the information he provides is always interesting, useful and practical. Kapele (Caller #1):   Woman farmer…

Make Compost in Pits

Characters Philip Kwan:   A city radio host Dr. Compost, Ph.D.:  (Peter Composter): Agricultural specialist, about age 70, and somewhat forgetful. He has a farming background but also a university education. His problem is that, sometimes, he wanders away from the topic. Nevertheless, the information he provides is always interesting, useful and practical. INTRODUCE THEME…

Dr. Compost Talks About Compost Piles

Characters Philip Kwan:   A city radio host Dr. Compost, Ph.D. (Peter Composter):   Agricultural specialist, about age 70, somewhat forgetful. He has a farming background but also a university education. His problem is that, sometimes, he digresses from the topic. Nevertheless, the information he provides is always interesting, useful and practical. INTRODUCE THEME MUSIC…

A Scientist Respects Farmers’ Wisdom

Characters Mr. Chui:   Farmer Mr. Kazi:  Farmer Mr. Ndege:   Farmer Dr. Kulungu Ndege:  Scientist, son of Mr. Ndege MUSIC (A PLANTING CHANT) FADING INTO BACKGROUND AS ANNOUNCER BEGINS TO SPEAK Announcer -Today we are going to listen in on some discussions about scientists and farmers working together. What does this mean? And how this…

Making Peanut Butter the Local Way

FADE IN INTRODUCTORY MUSIC AND HOLD UNDER NARRATOR. Host: Today’s program is about respecting local knowledge. Local knowledge is also called traditional knowledge or indigenous knowledge. This knowledge can be about farming, or health care, or food processing – anything that is important in your community. Today we’re going to focus on food processing as…

Interview with the potato

Host:  Greetings to all the listeners tuning in to the show. Today we’re going to talk about the history of the potato. And who better to speak than the potato himself?! The potato is going to talk to us about the importance of local knowledge and practices. These practices are often passed down to us…

The Advantages of Growing and Using Finger Millet

Characters Program host Mrs. Mamba: An agricultural extension worker Program Host:   Today, we’re going to hear about a crop that’s cheap to grow … stores well for years … is easy to prepare and cook … and is good for you.  This may sound too good to be true, but there is such a crop.  Many…

Diversity Beats Disease in the Rice Field

Characters: Program host Mr. Kwanga: An agricultural extension worker Farmer Chuma Farmer Suzgo SOUND EFFECTS (Sounds of the countryside: roosters crowing, birds singing…). HOLD SOUND EFFECTS UNDER DIALOGUE. Program host: As we begin today’s story, Mr. Kwanga, an agricultural extension worker from town, is entering one of the villages in his assigned region. The first person to greet…

Women Working Together Can Make a Difference in Their Community

Characters Program Host Mama Lillian: Woman farmer and mother.  She helped to organize a health care clinic in her village. Program Host: Hello, and welcome to today’s show, “Women and Community.”  If you are a mother, you know how worried you are when your child is sick.  It can be difficult to face a problem when you…