
Interview scripts feature interviews with two farmers or rural people and one or two subject-matter experts, exploring a challenge and possible solutions. They also feature and intro and extro by the radio show host. They are written by African journalists, based on real interviews.

Interview scripts can be translated and adapted as necessary to suit the local context, then performed on air as dramatized interviews. Or reach them as inspiration and guidance for your own interviews.

  • All
  • Agriculture
  • Aquaculture
  • Children and youth
  • Climate change
  • Community development
  • Crop production
  • Energy
  • Environment and climate change
  • Gender equality
  • Health
  • Hygiene and sanitation
  • Land issues
  • Livestock and beekeeping
  • Marketing and market information
  • Nature-based Solutions
  • Nutrition
  • Post-harvest activities
  • Social issues
  • Soil health
  • Trees and agroforestry
  • Water management

Farmers who use improved fallows must replace phosphorous in soils

Characters In this program, the hosts are named Onyango and Rose. Please use names that your audience will relate to and recognize. Rose is very knowledgeable on the topics of agriculture and agroforestry. Onyango is also very keen and asks many good questions, but sometimes seems impatient. The two have a playful way of responding…

Visit to a tree nursery

Participants Interviewer: Jimmy Okello, Radio Apac, Uganda Interviewee: Mr. Ogwal Amute, Apac Town Council, Apac Town, Uganda Start Of Program LOCAL TRADITIONAL MUSIC STARTS THEN FADES OUT. Announcer: Many farmers in the village find themselves lacking money to buy essential items, such as medicines, or paraffin for lanterns and fruits. Tree planting offers farmers a…

Women, Property and Inheritance

Host: Welcome to our show. Today we’re going to discuss some important questions about women and inheritance. For example, what happens to a woman when her husband dies, and who becomes the rightful owner of her property? Is there anything a woman can do to ensure that she receives the property? To help us answer…

Managing the Banana Weevil

Characters: Host Mr. Emmanuel Kagaro: farmer BRING UP MUSIC AND FADE UNDER HOST. Host: Good morning [afternoon, evening]. I’m your host, [ ]. Today we’re going to talk to Mr. Emmanuel Kagaro about how he controls banana weevils… without using pesticides! Good morning [afternoon, evening] and welcome, Mr. Kagaro. Mr. Kagaro: Good morning [afternoon, evening].…

Harvesting Water Using Earth Banks

Characters: Host Mr. Ayeji Anyaji: agricultural extension worker Host: Good morning [afternoon, evening]. I’m your host _________. Today we’re going to talk about a way to collect and store water. Mr. Ayeji Anyaji is in the studio with me. He’s an agricultural extension worker, and he’s going to talk about how an earth bank can…

Use Barriers to Harvest Run-off Water for Crops

Characters: Host Mrs. Gowri Banda: innovative woman farmer Host (Intro): Welcome to our program today. And a special welcome to all the farmers who are listening. We have a question for you, and that is: how can we solve one of our most difficult problems – getting enough water to our crops? To help us…

Protecting Children From Child Labour

Characters Host Shahid, Rupinder, Sunita and Manu: former child labourers Host/interviewer: Good [day/morning/evening]. Welcome to our program, [name of program]. During the past few [days/weeks], we’ve been discussing a number of problems that children in our community face. Today, we’re going to hear some very sad, but true stories that have happened to children in other…

Protect Children From Pesticides

Characters Host/interviewer Doctor Subrahmanyam: clinic doctor Mrs. Gurumurthy: mother at clinic with her children MUSIC [introductory music, then fade out]. Host/interviewer: Host/interviewer: Hello, I’m [       ]. Welcome back to our series of programs about children’s issues. Today’s show is about the dangers of pesticides. I heard a story recently about a small village where many children are…

HIV/AIDS: Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission

Part One Characters: Host Mr. X: man living with AIDS Host: Good [morning/afternoon], and welcome. Today, as part of our continuing series about children’s issues, we are going to discuss a difficult and sad topic: children who have AIDS, or who are HIV-positive. For those of you who are unfamiliar with these names, let me explain.…

Who Benefits When Girls Stay in School?

Characters: Host Mrs. Fatima: teacher Mr. Monsod: farmer and trader Host: Welcome to [name of program]. So far on our series about children, we’ve learned about healthy diets for babies and young children, and we’ve heard why girls and boys should be treated equally when it comes to food. Our program today is about a common,…