
Interview scripts feature interviews with two farmers or rural people and one or two subject-matter experts, exploring a challenge and possible solutions. They also feature and intro and extro by the radio show host. They are written by African journalists, based on real interviews.

Interview scripts can be translated and adapted as necessary to suit the local context, then performed on air as dramatized interviews. Or reach them as inspiration and guidance for your own interviews.

  • All
  • Agriculture
  • Aquaculture
  • Children and youth
  • Climate change
  • Community development
  • Crop production
  • Energy
  • Environment and climate change
  • Gender equality
  • Health
  • Hygiene and sanitation
  • Land issues
  • Livestock and beekeeping
  • Marketing and market information
  • Nature-based Solutions
  • Nutrition
  • Post-harvest activities
  • Social issues
  • Soil health
  • Trees and agroforestry
  • Water management

Selenium can help people living with HIV and AIDS

CHARACTERS: There are three characters in this radio program: one radio host, one nutritionist and one agricultural extension officer. Please use names that are familiar to your audience, and ensure that one of the guests is a woman and the other is a man. Introductory music up for ten seconds, then fade out. HOST: Hello and…

Financial Management For Smallholder Farmers

PRESENTER: Its time for Farming As Business (Ulimi Ndi Bizinezi). Signature tune up and fade under presenter. PRESENTER: The time to learn and the time to share agricultural knowledge is finally here on Malawi Broadcasting Corporation Radio 1. This is the Farming As Business program. My name is Andrew Mahiyu. (Pause) Harvesting time is over. Most of…

Rainwater From Large Rock Surfaces Can Be Used To Irrigate Crops: A New Technology From Kibaale District, Uganda

Programme signature tune. HOST: Good day, dear farmers, and welcome to our farming programme. Today we will talk about tapping water from the surface of large rocks to use in irrigation. We are privileged to have Mr. Bahindura John with us. Mr. John is an agricultural officer who specializes in irrigation practices and extension of technology…

Les coopératives d’agriculteurs aident les agriculteurs zambiens à survivre et à prospérer

Montée de l’indicatif musical, puis fondu enchaîné sous la voix de l’animatrice ANIMATRICE: Bonjour à toutes et à tous, auditeurs et agriculteurs. Je suis heureux que vous ayez pris rendez-vous avec moi ce soir pour l’émission Zambia Today. Au micro votre animatrice Alice Lungu Banda. Ce soir, nous vous présentons un agriculteur qui représente une…

Farmers’ Cooperatives Help Zambian Farmers Survive And Thrive

Cue in signature tune, fade under presenter. PRESENTER: Good day to you all, listeners and farmers. I am glad you made a date with me on tonight’s edition of the Zambia Today programme. I am your presenter, Alice Lungu Banda. Tonight we feature a farmer representing a cooperative in Mumbwa, Central Province of Zambia. He talks…

Cooperative Farm Labour: Many Hands Make Work Easier

Music to introduce the program (fade up, then under and out). HOST: Welcome listeners. In our program today, we will learn about cooperative farm work groups, also referred to as community labour-sharing. Many types of labour are shared to ease the work load, for example ploughing, planting, weeding, harvesting, threshing, and, at times, even transporting goods…

Seeing The Difference: Project Makes Farming More Attractive By Improving Farming Methods And Income

HOST: In Uganda, farming employs more than 3 of every 4 persons aged 10 years and older. Of the more than five million households in Uganda, 75 percent are engaged in agriculture and 68 percent derive their livelihoods from subsistence agriculture. Though the contribution of the agricultural sector to Uganda’s gross domestic product is lessening somewhat…

Farmers around the world face climate change

Participants: Oumou Coulibaly, Radio host and producer. Siaka Coulibaly, President of the “Union Communale des Sociétés Coopératives de la commune de Tao (cercle de Koutiala)”, voiced by Dramane Tounkara, radio host. Luis Ismael de Carmargo Leme, farmer from Araranguà, Santa Catarina (Brazil), voiced by Karamoko Traoré, radio host. Julia Weston, producer of blueberries, cherries and…

Changing farming production in Africa to adapt to climate change

Radio host: Dear farmers, good morning and welcome to your weekly program devoted to agriculture. Thank you for listening in ever-greater numbers to your radio station. Today, we propose to discuss what you can do about the decrease in rainfall. The scarcity of the rains is a worry for you, isn’t it? It’s for that reason…

Fissel farmers don’t pick up straw after harvesting, a method that protects land from heat

Host: Mr. Gueye, what kind of difficulties are farmers in the rural community of Fissel facing today? Ousseynou Gueye: We are facing three major difficulties. The first is the poor condition of the soil. As you know, the soil has been worked for years, and nothing has been returned to the soil. In other words, the fields…