Backgrounders are brief introductions to important and technical topics and Answers to frequently asked questions share key information on a topic.
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Improved fallows for African farmers
What is the difference between a natural fallow and an improved fallow? Natural fallow is simply land resting from cultivation. Usually it is left to natural vegetation for a long period to restore soil fertility. Improved fallow is also land resting from cultivation, but the farmer plants leguminous trees, shrubs and/or herbaceous cover crops on…
The Promise of Conservation Agriculture
Why Conservation Agriculture? According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, tillage methods used by most farmers today are a major cause of soil erosion and desertification on many agricultural lands. As a result, farmers and scientists have been working to find alternatives to conventional tillage – ways to farm that…
Choose the Right Trees to Grow with Crops
FADE IN MUSIC UNDER INTRODUCTION. Announcer: Agroforestry is a new word for something you may have been doing for years. It means growing crops with trees. Today we’re going to discuss how farmers grow trees and crops together. FADE OUT MUSIC. In years gone by, we used to leave a piece of land to rest…
The “Push-Pull” Approach to Controlling Stem Borers in Maize
Host: Farmers are probably some of the most observant people you will ever meet. They have to be. And some of the things they observe are the pests in their fields. By knowing the life cycle and behaviour of insect pests, they can see how their crops are affected – and make decisions about how…
Protect Stored Grain from Beetle Damage
Host: Today’s program is about how you can protect stored pulses or grain legumes from damage by bruchid beetles. Bruchids love beans – especially cowpeas. They usually attack pods in the field before harvest. The larvae develop in the stored seeds, which they eat. Bruchid beetles can destroy your food supply and damage the seed…
Reduce Pests Naturally with Biological Pest Control
Host: Good morning [evening, afternoon]. I’m your host __________. Farmers, do you know there are ways to control the pests and diseases that attack your crops without spraying chemical pesticides? Today we’re going to talk about biological pest control or how to reduce pests without using chemicals. MUSIC, UPBEAT TEMPO. FADE. Host: First, what do…
Understanding Plant Diseases
Host: Have you noticed that the leaves on your crops are curling up or falling off? Or wondered why the grain isn’t forming properly on your maize or millet? It could be that some of your crops are infected with a disease. Even if you don’t know the name of the disease that is damaging…
Grow Moringa for Food and Fodder
An ideal tree to grow in the city or country is moringa (Moringa oleifera). Moringa will give you food, fodder, fuelwood and shade. Its pods make a tasty, nutritious vegetable. You can eat its tender leaves and flowers too. The leaves also make excellent livestock feed. Best of all, this useful tree grows quickly and…
Comparing Crop Varieties: Start Small, Go Slowly
HOST -Welcome back to our series celebrating the success of farmer innovation and experimentation around the world. Today, our program focuses on trying out new plant varieties to get the best qualities in your crops – like higher yields, improved taste, colour or cooking qualities. We’re going to hear a story about a farmer who is…