You are looking at scripts about Trees and agroforestry

Grow Your Own Living Fence

January 1, 1994

Save and edit this resource as a Word document Living fences are rows of trees or shrubs planted together to form a barrier. They are useful for farmers who need fences to mark boundaries, separate fields, keep animals from straying, form windbreaks, or support vines. Living fences are a good choice for many reasons. They…

Participant Notes

October 1, 1993

A Good Way to Grow Trees Suwaiba Suleiman Isah Current Affairs Officer Katsina State Radio and Television Service Nigeria The Nigerian Association of Women Journalists started a successful campaign to plant trees in parts of the country where the desert is creeping in. The people start planting at the beginning of the rainy season, so…

Women Know About Food from Trees

October 1, 1993

Content: People everywhere eat food from trees. Women farmers know about tree crops, and how to harvest and process them. If you were asked for a list of all the foods that you and your family eat which ones would you list? Probably, you would name crops such as rice, maize, sorghum, beans or potatoes….

Jenu Kuruba Returns to the Land

October 1, 1993

Content: Jenu Kuruba and his wife, Javaramma, have turned half a hectare of sloping, eroded dryland in southern India into a productive farm. Digging and watering entirely by hand and using no chemical fertilizers or pesticides, they grow fruit trees, fuelwood and timber trees, vegetables, and cereal crops. They used to earn their living as…

Trees reduce damage from droughts and floods

July 1, 1993

Droughts and floods are a regular part of life for many farmers.  You cannot stop such disasters by yourself.  But you can reduce the damage they cause if you plant and protect trees. In many parts of the world, trees are being cut down faster than they are being replanted.  People cut down trees to…

Trees in Your Garden Give you Fertilizer

December 1, 1992

Do you have a vegetable garden but not enough fertilizer? Today we are going to talk about an idea especially for gardeners or farmers who do not have livestock to supply manure as fertilizer for their garden. At the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) in the Philippines they plant leguminous trees between garden plots….

Village-Based Forest Management in Ecuador

August 1, 1992

Today we introduce you to the people of Arenales, a small village of about 20 families in northwestern Ecuador. They are trying to save the tropical rain forest that is their home. Arenales is surrounded by one of the last remaining tropical rain forests in western Ecuador. Most of the rain forests in this region…

Make the Most of Trees: Trees as Fenceposts and Trees in Pasture

March 1, 1992

Today we have two ideas for you from Guatemalan farmers about uses for trees that might be new to you. These are ideas that are especially useful for farmers who don’t have lots of land for tree planting, but who know how important it is to plant trees on the farm. As we all know,…

Grow Forage Shrubs and Trees for Livestock Feed

March 1, 1992

The National University of Tachira and the radio station Ecos del Torbes in Venezuela present “Don Pancho and his Farming Friends”, a program of practical information to help farmers improve production. Don Pancho: Good day to all my dear farming friends. Today we will talk about several low-cost ways of improving your livestock feed. We…

How Trees Help Crops

April 1, 1991

Perhaps you or other farmers in your region practice a type of farming called slash and burn (shifting cultivation).  This is done by cutting down the forest, burning the trees, and planting crops on the land the trees were on.  After a few growing seasons, shrubs and trees are allowed to grow again while another…