You are looking at scripts about Trees and agroforestry

Integrating trees on your farm: A Nature-based Solution

December 16, 2024

In this month’s theme pack, we share several radio resources on the value of integrating trees into your farmland. This is a Nature-based Solution with benefits to soil fertility, productivity, and local biodiversity. Trees also help to prevent runoff or erosion, and often their produce can be sold for extra income.  This theme pack includes…

Guardians of the green: Tackling invasive alien plants to address water scarcity in South Africa

October 3, 2024

                                                           SIGNATURE TUNE   HOST:                                                Good day listener, welcome again to our program on farming. In today’s segment, we focus on the significance of clearing invasive plants to restore water in its sources and grasslands. In today’s program, we will speak to some of the farmers and stakeholders in the Drakensberg who have taken…

Beekeeping protects forests and sweetens income for farmers in Mzimba, Malawi

September 19, 2024

HOST:                                                Hello, our dear listeners. Welcome to your favorite program that covers issues pertaining to the environment and how we can help conserve it. As usual, you are with me, _______________. In this program, we are going to discuss how members of Malangazi Natural Resources Management Cooperative in Malawi’s northern district of Mzimba are…

Tree nurseries and carbon marketing project help restore degraded land

September 6, 2024

SFX:                                                   Signature tune THEN FADE UNDER HOST:                                                Climate change, the risks from natural disasters, food and water security, biodiversity loss, and human health—these are some of humanity’s biggest challenges. Enter Nature-based Solutions, a toolbox of strategies that harness the power of nature to tackle them head-on. From restoring forests to protecting water supplies to…

Community forest management

August 20, 2024

Introduction  Community forest management is initiated by communities living near forests, and/or by governments or development partners in response to destruction of forests. It can also be called participatory forest management, community-based forest management, or joint forest management. In community forest management, the community has the right to make significant decisions on how a forest…

Building resilience: Integrating trees into rangelands in Kamuli and Buyende, Uganda

August 19, 2024

HOST:                                                Rangelands, which include grasslands, savannahs, and shrub lands, cover vast areas of the earth. Rangelands across Africa are critical for livestock, but overgrazing and deforestation in some areas have led to degradation. But by planting trees in rangelands, we can restore soil health, improve soil water retention, and provide shade and fodder for…

Reforestation and agroforestry

July 2, 2024

Dear broadcasting partner, Nature-based Solutions address a host of types of ecosystem degradation, as well as issues such as resilience to natural disasters. In this monthly theme pack, we highlight NbS for reforestation and agroforestry, including Farmer-managed natural regeneration. The theme pack includes four Resource Pack items and four Barza Wire stories. Restoring degraded land…

Mangrove rehabilitation and replanting

February 14, 2024

Signature tune up, then fade out Host:                                                Hello and welcome to our loyal listeners. The theme of today’s program is Nature-based Solutions, focusing on the regeneration of mangroves in the coastal villages of Grand-Lahou in Côte d’Ivoire. It discusses all aspects of the villages in this geographical area, including women, men, and nature conservationists….

The breeze is cool again: Amuria farmers happy vegetation is returning with Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration

February 5, 2024

HOST:                                                Greetings, listeners, and welcome to the program. My name is ____. Today we will be talking about farmer-managed natural regeneration. What is that, you ask? It’s a low-cost, sustainable technique for restoring land that is used to combat poverty and hunger amongst small-scale farmers in countries like Uganda. This technique increases food and timber…

Planted buffer zones protect watercourses

February 2, 2024

Signature tune rises, then fades out HOST:                                                Welcome, listeners. Today, we’re going to talk about protecting waterways from siltation by creating vegetated buffer zones. We’ll present two cases: that of the Mouhoum river in Bendougou, a village located about twenty kilometres from Dédougou in the Boucle du Mouhoun region, and the case of the…