You are looking at scripts about Health

Dried and delicious: Solar dryers help growers store fruits and vegetables longer

March 20, 2017

HOST: Welcome, listeners, to our farmer program. In this segment, we are going to talk about drying fruits and vegetables—a great practice for your health and for profits. We know that vegetables are important for a healthy diet. Not just because they add colour to our meal. But green leafy vegetables, or carrots, or tomatoes—they…

Being your brother and sister’s keeper: Preventing HIV and AIDS for people with disabilities

September 26, 2016

Host:                                   Hello, my name is Dominic Mutua Maweu. I’m a freelance journalist at, and a community worker from Kenya. Welcome to the program. Today, we will talk about HIV and AIDS in people living with disabilities. People with disabilities are among those groups of people most at risk of getting this virus. But they…

Health benefits of sorghum, the forgotten cereal

September 23, 2016

SIGNATURE TUNE FADES IN, FADES UNDER INTRODUCTION, THEN FADES UP AND OUT HOST:                                    Hello, and welcome to our special program on sorghum. (PAUSE) Recently, sorghum has become a popular food among Tanzanians of all ages. Unlike before when it was used only by certain cultures as a staple food, today sorghum has become a…

Beyond maize, rice and other staples: Eating one food every day won’t make you healthy

March 11, 2016

CHARACTERS CHIMWENDO A farmer and community leader who is knowledgeable about nutrition. SOKO                                     Neighbour of Chimwendo. Harvests plenty but is hit by hunger every year and children are undernourished. IRENE (MRS. SOKO)          Wants higher-status life than she and Soko can afford DOCTOR                              The clinic doctor MOTHER OF JANE            A rich woman in the village…

Let’s talk about it: A young couple plans pregnancy and childbirth

February 29, 2016

Characters:Producer Husband Wife Setting: Rural community   PRESENTER: It is often difficult for young men and women to discuss issues related to pregnancy and childbirth. Younger women appear to have little information about childbirth before they have their baby, and they do not feel comfortable asking questions. Men often appear uncaring or uninterested in pregnancy…

Delicious cassava recipes improve family nutrition

January 27, 2015

PRESENTER:                      It’s time again for us farmers to share information on how we can improve our livelihoods through better farming practices. My name is Filius Chalo Jere and today I bring you the interesting topic of how cassava can be an important food in your home. Of course, I am aware that many of…

Aquaculture in Ghana: Fish farmer increases farm profits and improves family nutrition

January 27, 2015

HOST:                                    You are tuned to (name of radio station) and my name is (name of host). This is your favourite farmer program, (name of program). Today we are going to talk about fish farming, one way for farmers to reduce poverty, improve family nutrition and ensure food security. We will introduce you to a…

Teaching youth about sexuality

April 24, 2014

HOST: Hello dear listener, my name is Dominic Mutua Maweu. (Pause) Today I would like us to consider how knowing about sex and everything related to it can help our youth to be free of HIV. In my research, I was very lucky to meet a woman who is living with HIV and who has…

African Traditional Vegetables Back on the Table

December 1, 2012

Sig tune up then under Host:Take a guess. They are nutritious, they do well in dry environments, they can be a source of income, and they are environmentally friendly … If you said African traditional vegetables, you’re right, and that is what we are going to learn about today.Signature tune up and out under Host:…

Improving Food security for Ugandans: Voice of Teso’s Participatory Radio Campaign on Akena Cassava

December 1, 2012

Host 1: Greetings to all our listeners. My name is ___. Host 2: And my name is ____. Today we are going to tell you about a radio campaign that was broadcast a few years ago by Voice of Teso in eastern Uganda. The campaign introduced farmers to a new disease-resistant variety of cassava called…