You are looking at scripts about Gender equality

Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 3

February 26, 2018

1. Scene 1 2. Location: Ext. Factory. Morning. 3. BG SFX: Truck horn blowing. 4. Characters: Farida, Stella, Sigi, watchman. 5. SFX: TRUCK HORN BLOWING INCESSANTLY. 6. SIGI: (FAR FROM MIC, SHOUTING) Hey you! Open the gate already! (IRRITATED) Alaaa! 7. WATCHMAN: (HURRIED) Coming, sir. 8. SFX: GATE IS OPENED AND TRUCK APPROACHES MIC. 9….

Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 2

February 26, 2018

1. Scene 1 2. Location: Int. Afande Kaifa’s office-police station. Morning. 3. BG SFX: Afande Kaifa snoring. 4. Characters: Afande Kaifa, Mzee Kaifa, Afande Filipo. 5. SFX: AFANDE KAIFA SNORING. 6. SFX: KNOCKS ON THE DOOR. 7. AFANDE KAIFA: (ANGRILY) What is it now? 8. AFANDE FILIPPO: (OPENS DOOR) Your father is here to see…

Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 1

February 26, 2018

1. Scene 1 2. Location: Ext. Road. Morning. 3. BG SFX: Sound of car engine and music inside car. 4. Characters: Jenny, Mr. Patel, boy. 5. SFX: SOUND OF CAR ENGINE AND MUSIC INSIDE CAR. 6. SFX: MR. PATEL HUMMING ALONG TO MUSIC. 7. SFX: CAR MAKES A BLASTING SOUND. 8. MR PATEL: (ALARMED) Uh…

Beans, a family affair

February 26, 2018

This is a five-episode drama about a group of women who persevere against difficulties to achieve success. This drama is the first item in Farm Radio Resource Pack #108.

Maternal health resources

January 21, 2018

Here is our latest monthly theme pack of FRI resources, this month about mother and child/newborn health, especially nutritional health. The theme pack includes eight scripts and one Farmer story from Barza Wire. Scripts Prevent malaria in pregnancy! The Love Letter project: An invitation for men to stand by their wives during pregnancy and childbirth…

Children need vitamin A

October 16, 2017

Characters: Host Nurse at health clinic Martha: a young mother HOST:                                                 Good (morning/afternoon/evening) listeners. Today we’re going to talk about a serious problem that affects millions of children around the world. That might sound like bad news, but the good news is that it’s a problem that has a simple solution. I’m talking about…

Resources about gender

February 28, 2017

Here is our third monthly theme pack of FRI resources. This month it’s all about gender. The theme pack includes 13 scripts and 11 Barza Wire stories. This collection represents some of the best resources on gender that we’ve published over the past decade. Scripts Teaching youth about sexuality Gender mainstreaming in farmers’ co-operative: Groups…

Being your brother and sister’s keeper: Preventing HIV and AIDS for people with disabilities

September 26, 2016

Host:                                   Hello, my name is Dominic Mutua Maweu. I’m a freelance journalist at, and a community worker from Kenya. Welcome to the program. Today, we will talk about HIV and AIDS in people living with disabilities. People with disabilities are among those groups of people most at risk of getting this virus. But they…

Let’s talk about it: A young couple plans pregnancy and childbirth

February 29, 2016

Characters:Producer Husband Wife Setting: Rural community   PRESENTER: It is often difficult for young men and women to discuss issues related to pregnancy and childbirth. Younger women appear to have little information about childbirth before they have their baby, and they do not feel comfortable asking questions. Men often appear uncaring or uninterested in pregnancy…

Hard work breaks no bones: Decreasing guinea fowl mortality to increase success and boost income

November 24, 2015

EPISODE ONE PLAY SIG TUNE THEN FADE UNDER NARRATOR NARRATOR:                      Hello listener, and welcome to the first episode of our four-episode drama, highlighting the causes of and solutions for high mortality rates in guinea fowl keets. This program aims to encourage rural communities, especially women, to raise guinea fowl to improve their income and the…