You are looking at scripts about Gender equality
HIV/AIDS: Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission
Part One Characters: Host Mr. X: man living with AIDS Host: Good [morning/afternoon], and welcome. Today, as part of our continuing series about children’s issues, we are going to discuss a difficult and sad topic: children who have AIDS, or who are HIV-positive. For those of you who are unfamiliar with these names, let me explain….
Children Need Vitamin A
haracters Host Nurse at health clinic Martha: a young mother Host: Good [morning/afternoon/evening] listeners. Today we’re going to talk about a serious problem that affects millions of children around the world. That might sound like bad news, but the good news is that it’s a problem that has a simple solution. I’m talking about vitamin A…
Sometimes Old Ways Need to Change
Characters Host Mother Sara (daughter) Intro. theme music and hold under host (5 secs). Host: Welcome back to our series about issues that affect children in our communities. On our program [yesterday/last week/ ], we heard about a few simple ways to help your children grow healthy by getting the…