You are looking at scripts about Gender equality

Who Benefits When Girls Stay in School?

December 1, 2003

Characters: Host Mrs. Fatima: teacher Mr. Monsod: farmer and trader Host: Welcome to [name of program]. So far on our series about children, we’ve learned about healthy diets for babies and young children, and we’ve heard why girls and boys should be treated equally when it comes to food. Our program today is about a common,…

Children Have a Right to Play and to Learn

December 1, 2003

Characters: Host Zandi and Gugu (two mothers) Host: Welcome to today’s program. We continue our series on children with a conversation between two mothers about how important it is for children to enjoy their childhood and go to school. SOUND EFFECTS (A village atmosphere: the occasional sounds of dogs barking, chickens clucking, voices calling, music from…

Children Need Vitamin A

December 1, 2003

haracters Host Nurse at health clinic Martha: a young mother Host: Good [morning/afternoon/evening] listeners. Today we’re going to talk about a serious problem that affects millions of children around the world. That might sound like bad news, but the good news is that it’s a problem that has a simple solution. I’m talking about vitamin A…

Sometimes Old Ways Need to Change

December 1, 2003

Characters Host Mother Sara (daughter) Intro. theme music and hold under host (5 secs). Host: Welcome back to our series about issues that affect children in our communities. On our program [yesterday/last week/               ], we heard about a few simple ways to help your children grow healthy by getting the…

Protecting Farmer Innovations and Traditional Knowledge

September 1, 2003

Characters Host Vishwas Amitraj: farmer in his 50s HOST -Good ___________ [morning, afternoon, evening] listeners. In our programs recently, we’ve been celebrating the success of local farmers in finding solutions to everyday problems through their own innovation and experimentation. We’ve talked about rehabilitating degraded land, new ways to earn income, and methods for conserving soil and…

Mummy Tiger and Her Babies: How Children Experience Conflict

June 1, 2003

INTRO Host : About twenty million children around the world have had to leave their homes, and sometimes their countries, because of war. Children have lost parents, served as soldiers and witnessed atrocities. The story in our program today is a story you can tell children you know who are suffering. It talks about the…

Health considerations for refugees

June 1, 2003

Part 1: Clean delivery kits INTRO Host :People living in refugee camps have special health concerns. Overcrowding, poor sanitation, and lack of medicine and food can turn simple problems into more serious ones. Diseases like cholera flourish. So does HIV/AIDS. Mental and emotional health problems such as alcoholism, depression, and violence are other serious concerns….

Women Face Many Challenges After Conflict

June 1, 2003

Characters: Narrator Hasana, Amba and Makeda, Women farmers Diallo, young husband, returned from war Margaret, relief worker BRING UP MUSIC AND FADE UNDER NARRATOR. NARRATOR: When a community experiences a war, everyone suffers. But women are affected in ways that are often not seen. With men gone to war, the responsibility for basic survival rests…

Conflict Over Natural Resources: A Short Story

June 1, 2003

Story #1: Characters: Salma: a village girl Ambreen : Salma’s brother Sunil : another brother THEME MUSIC. HOLD UNDER NARRATOR. Narrator : In recent programs, we’ve talked about issues that arise during or after conflicts like war or natural disaster, or conflicts over natural resources. Today we’re going to hear a short story that shows…

Dispute Over a Sacred Stream: Villagers Describe the Conflict

June 1, 2003

Characters Samuel : Mediator Kofi : Village elder Sonia : Young mother Narrator : In recent programs, we have talked about issues that arise during and after conflicts like war or natural disaster. We’ve learned about [rebuilding seed supplies, growing survival crops, starting a revolving loan fund, and growing vegetables in a refugee camp]. Today’s…