You are looking at scripts about Environment and climate change
Local Experts Give Practical Advice to Care for the Environment
Theme music Host: Today’s program deals with one of the Millennium Development Goals which was unanimously adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at the Millennium Summit in September 2000. In this program, we shall focus on Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability. Soft music Host: According to the United Nations Development Programme, in the world…
Community Reforestation Brings Back the Rains in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana
Introductory music. Fade under host. Host: Here in Asubimma, in the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana, bush fires and clearing of the forest for farming have destroyed most of the original forest cover. This has affected rainfall patterns, decreased food crop yields and lessened the yield of other products from the forest. This programme tells…
A Law on Bush Fires
Characters: Sagbo and Hoovi, school boys Teacher Parents Employee President of Law Commission Journalist Noise of wind and rustling grass. Sagbo (out of breath): Hey! Kill it! It’s going to get away! Hoovi (panting): Oh! It ran into that undergrowth. Sagbo: Oh no! That means we’ll have to light the field on fire. And I…
Micro-doses of Fertilizer Increase Yields in the Sahel
Characters: Host, Hassane Ousmane Host: This broadcast brings good news about one of African agriculture’s success stories. The semi-arid zone of the Sahel in Western and Central Africa is one of the poorest regions in the world. The climate is extremely harsh and the variability in annual rainfall causes drought. The soils are infertile. These…
Improved Honey Production and Processing in Dryland Kenya
Host: Hello and welcome to the program. Today we are going to talk with a leading researcher about improved beekeeping practices. But first I want to say a few words about why honey is so important. In many communities, including those in dryland Kenya, honey is both a source of nutrition and a source of…
Legumes Make Their Own Fertilizer – With Help From Their Friends
Characters: Host Mr. Tomato, a jovial, jokey character Ms. Bean, sophisticated and articulate, looks down on Mr. Tomato Mr. Rhizobium, articulate and straightforward Host: Welcome to the program. Many farmers are facing problems with declining soil fertility. But wouldn’t it be a good thing if your crops could talk directly to you and tell you…
Jatropha – Not Just a Biofuel Crop!
Host: Good morning to all! Lots of people have been talking about jatropha, a plant that produces oil for bio-fuel. With all the concern about global warming, jatropha and other biofuel crops are getting a lot of attention, and a lot of “hype”. Biofuels might provide an alternative to burning “fossil fuels” such as coal…
Fact Sheet on Bamboo
Description of bamboo plants: Bamboos are woody grasses that grow up to 40 meters tall. Bamboos can be classified by the types of roots they have. Some, called runners, spread widely, and others, called clumpers, have roots that slowly expand from the original planting. Bamboo culms (stems) are normally round, jointed, sometimes thorny, and can…
Deforestation and Global Warming: Who is Responsible?
Signature tune, fade out. HOST: Good morning (afternoon, evening). If you have recently noticed that you feel hot and uncomfortable in the changing environment, and you want to know what trees can do for us, and you want to know something about global warming, then stay tuned as Nananom (elders) and a forestry officer discuss…
Rainwater From Large Rock Surfaces Can Be Used To Irrigate Crops: A New Technology From Kibaale District, Uganda
Programme signature tune. HOST: Good day, dear farmers, and welcome to our farming programme. Today we will talk about tapping water from the surface of large rocks to use in irrigation. We are privileged to have Mr. Bahindura John with us. Mr. John is an agricultural officer who specializes in irrigation practices and extension of technology…