You are looking at scripts about Environment and climate change
Harvesting fruit the easy way By Livai Matarirano, Zimbabwe Harvesting fruit from tall trees can be a problem. Some people ask young children to climb the trees and harvest ripe fruit. If the children don’t have a basket they throw the fruit to the ground. The child may fall and injure a leg or hand…
Food Chain Story
Once upon a time, there were sixteen little bugs living in a vegetable garden next to a river. These tiny bugs didn’t eat much, but the owner of the garden didn’t want to share any of his vegetables with insects. So he bought a can of pesticide from the store. This poison was a fine…
Farmers Increase Yields by Growing Many Crop Types
Farmers can produce more crops and profit more by growing many crop varieties at one time. At first this might seem impractical or troublesome. But farmers say it is a good way to get higher, more stable yields. Why is this strategy effective? To understand this better, let’s take a tour of a small farm…
Cut tree branches carefully
Most farmers plant at least a few trees for fruit, fuelwood, or timber, for fodder or green manure, or just for shade and beauty. After the first three or four years, when these trees are established, they grow and produce even if they are neglected. But if you take a little extra care, the trees…
Intercropping with Paulownia Trees
Intercropping with Paulownia Trees By growing trees with crops you can increase crop yields and harvest lumber, firewood, and livestock feed at the same time. In different parts of the world farmers are experimenting with different combinations of crops and trees. This is called intercropping. What is intercropping? Intercropping is growing different crops together in…
Care of Trees After Transplanting
From the time of planting trees to the time of cutting trees can be a number of years. Because it’s such a long term effort, it might be worthwhile for you and your neighbours to talk about why you are planting the trees, where you are going to plant them and who is going to…
Transplanting Seedling Trees
If you want to grow your own seedlings in containers in your nursery, here is how to help your trees get a good start. First, prepare the place where you’ll be planting the trees. Uproot and clear away the grass and weeds to a distance of one pace (one metre) around the spot where you’re…
Where and When to Plant Trees
Where should you plant seedling trees? Begin by observing where the trees grow naturally. Plant the seedlings in a place that’s similar to where you got the seeds. Trees found sprouting by the roadside and in fields are best for planting in sunny, open areas. Trees growing in shade on the forest floor should only…
Starting Seedlings
Once you have decided what trees to plant and how to gather and prepare tree seeds for planting, you are ready to prepare the site. Choose a place with enough water to start the seeds off well. Be sure that the site is protected from the wind and from strong sun. You can start the…
Replace Every Tree you Lose
How often have you heard a farmer say something like this? “When we first lived here, we could just walk outside the door and pick up dry wood. Now, I have to walk for a whole day to find enough firewood to keep my family for a week. Soon I will have to walk 2…