You are looking at scripts about Environment and climate change

Kenyan Farmer Treasures the Calliandra Tree

March 1, 2005

CONTROL: FADE UP SIGN TUNE 5 SECONDS THEN UNDER. Host 1: Welcome dear listener to today’s programme about ‘High Value Trees.’ Our tree of the day is calliandra, and we will hear about the experience of a farmer in Kenya who grows this tree. Stay tuned. CONTROL: SIGN TUNE 2 SEC THEN UNDER. Host 2:…

Trees provide fodder for livestock

March 1, 2005

SOUND OF CAR DRIVING UP AND STOPPING. DOORS SLAM. DOGS BARK. FOOTSTEPS RUNNING. Sarah: Oh Sipho! What a long time! Just look at you. Such a smart car and such a nice tie! Have they put you in parliament already? Sipho: Hullo auntie! No, no, they haven’t put me in parliament. They say I am…

Visit to a tree nursery

March 1, 2005

Participants Interviewer: Jimmy Okello, Radio Apac, Uganda Interviewee: Mr. Ogwal Amute, Apac Town Council, Apac Town, Uganda Start Of Program LOCAL TRADITIONAL MUSIC STARTS THEN FADES OUT. Announcer: Many farmers in the village find themselves lacking money to buy essential items, such as medicines, or paraffin for lanterns and fruits. Tree planting offers farmers a…

“When it rains”: The role of trees in preventing soil erosion

March 1, 2005

“When it rains” Part 1 Start of program BRING UP MUSIC AND CROSS FADE INTO EFFECT. CRICKET SOUNDS IN THE DISTANCE. HEAVY WINDS BLOWING. A CRACK OF THUNDER AND THEN HEAVY RAIN. HOLD THE RAIN FOR 3 SECONDS. Keke: (Yawning) Nothing like the morning after a rain. I can not only feel, but smell the…

Dilemma of a cocoa farmer: To keep or cut the trees?

March 1, 2005

INTRO MUSIC. Announcer: On today’s program we’re going to introduce you to a farmer with a problem. This farmer has to decide whether to keep the trees on his farm, or cut them. Stay tuned to find out why. FADE OUT INTRO. MUSIC. Announcer: Mr. Kwame Alebikiya is a cocoa farmer in the country of…

The Fight Between the Big Trees

March 1, 2005

FOREST SOUNDS: BIRD CALLS, RUSTLE OF LEAVES AS WIND BLOWS THROUGH THEM. WOMENS’ VOICES FAR AWAY. CHILDREN PLAYING. DOGS BARKING. VOICE OF OLD MAN, DEEP AND PLEASANT. A BORN STORYTELLER. Narrator: You would never think, sitting here below this baobab tree, that there was once a fight between this tree and the other big trees…

Alternatives to Slash and Burn Agriculture: Improve Fallows with Tithonia, the Wild Sunflower

June 1, 2004

Characters: Host Aunt Bisa: robust woman farmer in her early fifties Hanna: woman farmer in her late twenties SOUND EFFECTS: gentle music, moderate tempo. Continue under. Host: Our program today is about finding new ways to put nutrients back into the soil without slashing-and-burning. Although slash-and-burn agriculture has been practised for centuries, these days there’s…

Grow Moringa for Food and Fodder

June 1, 2004

An ideal tree to grow in the city or country is moringa (Moringa oleifera). Moringa will give you food, fodder, fuelwood and shade. Its pods make a tasty, nutritious vegetable. You can eat its tender leaves and flowers too. The leaves also make excellent livestock feed. Best of all, this useful tree grows quickly and…

The Many Uses of the Moringa Tree

June 1, 2004

Host 1 (Intro):   We’ve talked before on this program about multi-purpose trees – trees that have many uses and benefits for farmers. Today we’re going to feature one tree in particular that is more and more popular among African farmers. Host 2:   Actually, this tree is grown in countries throughout the world, and…

Disaster prevention, mitigation and recovery: Story ideas for the radio

July 1, 2002

PART I: FARMING METHODS CONTRIBUTE TO DISASTER MITIGATION Grow root crops during hurricane season Message: By making appropriate crop choices, farmers can reduce their losses in times of disaster. Story: Encourage farmers to grow root crops during hurricane season. Root crops can be a good security crop for people who live in regions prone to…