You are looking at scripts about Environment and climate change
Issue Pack: Awareness of climate change
Stories Augustine Yelfaanibe is a 36-year-old farmer in Nandom, a small town in the Upper West Region of Ghana. He remembers that when he was young, signs of rainy weather were obvious by mid-March. Most farmers prepared their land soon after the New Year. This ensured an early harvest, with enough food to survive the…
‘When it rains’: The role of trees and shrubs in preventing soil erosion
‘When it rains’ part 1 Bring up music and cross fade into effect. Cricket sounds in the distance. Heavy winds blowing. A crack of thunder and then heavy rain. Hold the rain for 3 seconds. Keke: (Yawning) Nothing like the morning after a rain. I can not only feel, but smell the fresh air. Chirping…
Collecting plastic waste: Cleaning the city and generating income
People interviewed Mrs. Esther Oguki-Atakpa Ewoè: president of the NGO Environnement Plus Bernard Messan Atakpa: manager of Environnement Plus Modeste Sedor: coordinator of Environnement Plus Eric: plastic waste collector in Nukafu neighbourhood Kofi Nagbe: plastic waste collector in Gbossimé neighbourhood Signature tune, then fade out under the voice of the host Host: Hello everyone, and…
The Long Dry Season: A Tale of Greed and Resourcefulness
Episode 1 CAST NARRATOR YOHANNA HASSAN THE ABAH MANU MOLEKE KOI-KOI, VOICES _______________________________________________________________________ 1. MUSIC: THEME MUSIC UP, 0.5 AND UNDER… ANNOUNCER: PROGRAM TITLE AND OPENING CREDIT, THEME MUSIC UP, 0.5 AND UNDER… 2. NARRATOR: Greetings listeners! You are about to enter a familiar world with people just like you and me and our neighbours….
A Woman Farmer Harvests Water and Grows Vegetables in the Dry Season
START SIGNATURE TUNE THEN FADE OUT SLOWLY. Host: Welcome to today’s program. FADE UP SIGNATURE TUNE, HOLD UNDER HOST, THEN FADE OUT. Host: Today we’ll hear from Beatrice Asimwe, a farmer from Mbarara in Western Uganda. Beatrice has developed new innovations in water harvesting and conservation. The water she has harvested has allowed her to…
Which is the Most Important Tree of All?
Program #1 All trees are very important. But many times I ask people this question. Which is the most important tree of all? This is a very important question. The most important tree is the one whose use you do not know. Many times people argue that they cut down trees because they don’t know…
Villagers in Malawi Discuss the Role of Trees in Their Community
SIGNATURE TUNE Narrator: Good afternoon farmers and all listeners. Today we are going to hear a program that comes to you from ‘The Story Workshop’ in Malawi. MUSICAL JINGLE: Let us take care of Natural forest. There are many wild fruit trees there, There are bwemba trees, There are masuku trees, There are baobab trees….
Camels Provide Farmers in Drylands with Milk and Income
Host: Good morning (evening, afternoon), Mr. Kipaseyia. Welcome to our program today. Kipaseyia: I am very happy to be here and talk about the benefits and the wonders of camels. Host: Camels are not native to this part of Kenya, I believe. How were they first introduced? Kipaseyia: In 1995 there was a bad drought….
Improved Fallows Provide Benefits for Farmers
SOUND OF RUNNING FOOTSTEPS. Farmer 1: (upset) Sam, Sam are you there? Come quickly… someone is occupying my field! Farmer 2: Hello neighbour! What’s the problem? You say someone is occupying your field? Farmer 1: I was just coming home from town – passing my fields – when I noticed something peculiar. The field that…
Improved fallows for African farmers
What is the difference between a natural fallow and an improved fallow? Natural fallow is simply land resting from cultivation. Usually it is left to natural vegetation for a long period to restore soil fertility. Improved fallow is also land resting from cultivation, but the farmer plants leguminous trees, shrubs and/or herbaceous cover crops on…