You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

Co-operative series: A village garden co-operative – Part 3

September 8, 1991

Save and edit this resource as a Word document Script 3 – Starting the Co-operative – First Steps Note: The following item and item 9 continue the story of how a group of villagers got together to start a co-operative garden. Their story began in Package 22 with items 9 and 10. The story will…

A Better Life in the Country

September 7, 1991

Letter 1, Series A   Presenter:  Today on this program, we have something new for you.  We’ll read you the first in a series of letters.  They were exchanged last year between Juan, a farmer who lives with his wife and children in the village of San Rafael, and his Uncle Silvio, who moved to the…


September 6, 1991

Save and edit this resource as a Word document A: How to control pests in coconut trees By P. Ravikumar, Agricultural Consultant, Tamil Nadu, India HOST: Coconut trees are often affected by rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) and red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus furruginens). Do you know there is an easy method to control these insects? In…

More sunlight on plants

September 5, 1991

Save and edit this resource as a Word document Content: The more sunlight that plants get, the better they will grow. There are some ways to be sure that crops get the most possible sunlight. Stake vine crops correctly. Prune and train fruit trees so that maximum sun reaches the leaves. Pay attention to the…

Keeping goats

September 4, 1991

Save and edit this resource as a Word document Content: Goats can provide you with meat, milk, skin, and manure. If you keep your goat healthy and happy, it will supply lots of milk. Give it nutritious feed, proper housing, and care when milking. HOST: Do you have goats on your farm? Goats are valuable…

Let us plant trees: Radio spots or print media fillers

September 3, 1991

Save and edit this resource as a Word document Spot No. 1: Length: 86 words; 35 seconds (approx.) Look at that plot of yours. You have planted tea, coffee, maize, bananas, and other crops. Those other fields you have left for your cows to graze. All that is okay and fine. You need the cash…

Save time between crops—plant maize seedlings

September 2, 1991

Save and edit this resource as a Word document Content: To save time between crops, grow maize seedlings in a seedling bed. First, soak sections of dry maize cobs in liquid manure, put several seeds in each section, and then place the sections in a seedling bed until it is time to transplant them to…

Use garlic to control crop pests

September 1, 1991

Save and edit this resource as a Word document Content: Use garlic (Allium sativum) for intercropping, or as a spray or powder to repel many crop pests. HOST: Why buy chemical pesticides when you can grow natural pesticides in your own garden? Garlic has a strong odor that repels many different pests that attack your…

Using Traditional Patterns of Lending and Borrowing Livestock

July 8, 1991

Harvey Harman has studied many traditional practices of farmers in Transkei, South Africa. One of them is the practice of lending farm animals to family members and neighbours. Harvey tells us that it works like this. A farmer lends some livestock to a neighbour. This person, the borrower, takes care of these animals until they…

Use Bamboo To Move Water Pt.2

July 8, 1991

Today let us think once again about bamboo, and about more ways you can use it to help you get more work done with less effort. You already know how to preserve bamboo. You also know how to make and use bamboo water pipes and troughs and how they can be joined together to move…