You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

Reforestation and agroforestry

July 2, 2024

Dear broadcasting partner, Nature-based Solutions address a host of types of ecosystem degradation, as well as issues such as resilience to natural disasters. In this monthly theme pack, we highlight NbS for reforestation and agroforestry, including Farmer-managed natural regeneration. The theme pack includes four Resource Pack items and four Barza Wire stories. Restoring degraded land…

Women benefit from growing high-value crops

June 19, 2024

SIGNATURE TUNE UP, THEN FADE OUT  HOST:                                                Hello listeners, welcome to our program. Today, we’re going to talk about women who grow and process high-value crops and whose husbands support them in both their domestic and agricultural activities. Kouyaté Aminata, known as Mata Sangho, has been a rice producer and processor in the Cercle…

Soil fertility

May 6, 2024

Dear broadcasting partner, Here is our latest monthly theme pack of FRI resources, this month all about integrated soil fertility management. This is a set of practices related to planting, fertilizers, composting and more to increase the nutrients in the soil and ultimately production of crops.  This approach was developed in Africa to encourage intensification…

Restoring degraded land in northern Uganda by planting indigenous trees

April 5, 2024

HOST:                                                Hello, dear listener, welcome to our radio program. Today, we are going to talk about the promotion of tree planting by Kijani Forestry, based in the Gulu district of northern Uganda. We will look at the challenges they face and discuss the species they plant. We will also talk about the impact of climate…

Taking your products to market

February 8, 2024

Here is our latest monthly theme pack of FRI resources, this month all about marketing farm products. The theme pack includes eight Resource Pack items and four Barza Wire stories. One item is available in Swahili, one in Hausa, and two in Portuguese. Backgrounders Women’s roles in marketing farm produce Tomato marketing and transportation Interview scripts Marketing farm produce Stronger together: The marketing benefits of cooperation between…

Planted buffer zones protect watercourses

February 2, 2024

Signature tune rises, then fades out HOST:                                                Welcome, listeners. Today, we’re going to talk about protecting waterways from siltation by creating vegetated buffer zones. We’ll present two cases: that of the Mouhoum river in Bendougou, a village located about twenty kilometres from Dédougou in the Boucle du Mouhoun region, and the case of the…

Benefits of intercropping, cover crops, and agroforestry

December 19, 2023

FILIUS JERE:                                  Climate change is a very big concern for many people today. Many things, but primarily human activities, cause climate change. However, in a nutshell, people’s reckless handling of the environment is mostly to blame. The use of fossil fuels and deforestation are two of the major causes of climate change, and the impacts…

New farming techniques bring hope for food security in Batoka, Zambia

November 21, 2023

Alice Lungu:  Batoka is a small town in the southern province of Zambia. It has already experienced adverse effects from climate change, including a huge decrease in agricultural productivity, an increase in deaths of livestock resulting from loss of feed, dried-up rivers and other water bodies, and flooding. The government of Zambia and its partners…

Livestock health

November 6, 2023

Here is our theme pack for November, this time all about livestock health. Many rural farmers have poor or even no access to veterinary services and medicines, and may be unaware of the value of preventative health care. Use these resources to learn and promote animal health and the services offered by veterinary paraprofessionals.Veterinary paraprofessionals help farmers…

Preventive livestock healthcare and veterinary paraprofessionals

October 16, 2023

Introduction In many countries across sub-Saharan Africa, it can be difficult for farmers to access animal health services. The overall number of veterinarians remains low, and they are more likely to be located in urban areas. Unfortunately, there are also many untrained persons or “quacks” offering services and many illegal veterinary drugs available on the…