Resource Pack 57

October 1, 2000

We focus attention on the important contribution that women make in their communities. As development workers, we want to raise awareness of the challenges that women face every day. Women’s work is poorly understood, undervalued and underestimated. Women in rural areas have very little access to information. They are mostly poor and illiterate. Inexpensive information technologies – such as radio – can play a major role in creating awareness, enhancing information exchange, and enabling women to adopt technologies and techniques with the potential to bring positive change.

Resource Pack 56

July 1, 2000

Since the beginning of organized agriculture thousands of years ago, farmer-breeders have developed tens of thousands of varieties of crops. Each crop and variety has specific uses, and together they act as a kind of crop insurance. Even in difficult growing conditions – drought, torrential rains, poor soil, or pest infestation – a farmer who has planted different crop varieties will still have a harvest. In this way, crop diversity – sometimes called biodiversity – contributes powerfully to local food security.

Resource Pack 55

April 1, 2000

The scripts in this package give many different examples of how to successfully grow trees with crops and livestock. Trees have many different uses. They can be used as fuelwood and as timber for building. They also supply food, fruits, nuts, fodder for animals, mulch, oils, resins and medicines. Trees also control runoff and soil erosion, improve soil fertility, provide living fences, and protect livestock from cold winter winds and summer heat.

Resource Pack 54

January 1, 2000

Water scarcity is the single greatest threat to human health, the environment and the global food supply. Users at all levels – individual farmers, as well as communities and governments – must take initiatives that offer sustainable and environmentally-safe solutions to improve water management.

Resource Pack 53

September 1, 1999

We examine the transition to sustainable organic agriculture. Specifically, we will examine the case of Cuba, the first country in the world to initiate a large-scale conversion from chemical agriculture to organic agriculture. The Cuban conversion is an example of what a country and a people can achieve. Many other nations today have severe economic problems and face food shortages. Cuba is proof that a country can successfully change direction, even in the face of an economic crisis.

Resource Pack 50

November 10, 1998

Global warming. Deforestation. Desertification. Ozone depletion. The words are sprinkled throughout newspapers and newscasts around the world. Our planet is in peril. Our challenge is to find new ways to address these problems – and you can be a part of the solution. By reaching back to our oldest values of community and responsibility, we can rebuild respect for the land and the resources we share.

Resource Pack 49

July 1, 1998

In this package we discuss different types of Co-operatives and how they can enhance community development, entrepreneurs, and provide extra household income. Cooperatives can help farmers achieve their goals, helping their members to increase their income and skills and expand their farms, products and services.