Resource Pack 97
While most items talk about farming practices for groundnuts, we also feature a four-part drama that touches on processing and marketing.
Resource Pack 96
Focuses mainly on cassava, but includes a script on using agricultural equipment (a water pump), and a Broadcaster info doc on how to get farmers to speak about things that are important to them.
Resource Pack 95
Offers some nuts-and-bolts guidance for farm broadcasters who wish to better tailor their programming to their listeners’ needs. These pieces are not, like typical Farm Radio International scripts, designed to be adapted for local broadcast, or to act as models of farmer radio broadcasts. Rather, they are guidance documents that speak directly to farm broadcasters.
Resource Pack 94
Two themes: first, Participatory Radio Campaigns (PRCs) developed through Farm Radio International’s African Farm Radio Research Initiative (AFRRI), and second, agricultural co-operatives.
Resource Pack 93
Rural communities face a unique set of environmental, economic and social issues. This script package explores the concept of healthy communities from a rural perspective and offers strategies that can be used to highlight positive responses which build healthy communities.
Resource Pack 92
This package features an issue pack and seven scripts on water integrity. We have also included four news stories on water integrity that have been distributed by Farm Radio Weekly. Corruption is a serious problem in the water sector. One study estimates that, if African water utilities functioned in an environment free of corruption, their costs would be reduced by almost two thirds.
Resource Pack 91
This package features seven scripts on soil health, focusing specifically on soil fertility and soil conservation. There is also an issue pack on soil health and a script on malaria and pregnancy.
Resource Pack 90
This package features the 15 winning scripts from the radio scriptwriting competition on smallholder farmer innovation. The scripts tell fascinating stories about creative farmers across sub-Saharan Africa who have come up with ways to improve their livelihoods
Resource Pack 89
Climate change is often presented in the media as a horror story, a disaster waiting to happen. It’s true that most scientists agree that, even if the nations of the world manage to strongly cut emissions of greenhouse gases, the global climate is still going to change, in many ways for the worse. And small-scale African farmers are among those who will be most affected by these changes, both because they are dependent on the weather and because they are often poor.
Resource Pack 88
This package features six scripts on livestock health, a central and vital issue for smallholder farmers in Africa. Livestock disease outbreaks can wipe out household animals, family savings, and mean the difference between food security and hunger. Also in this package are three rice scripts, one script on climate change adaptation, and one on the natural environment.