Resource Pack 107
Contains a variety of new and existing resources on farming topics and nutrition, including a backgrounder document on Fall armyworm.
Resource Pack 105
Focuses on aspects of the cowpea and chicken value chains. Also includes how to raise quail, using conversation agriculture and agroforestry practices to address climate change, and on standards for growing and harvesting cassava.
Resource Pack 104
Includes key information on growing the Ethiopian grain called teff, and on maize production.
Resource Pack 102
How to raise guinea fowl, which are not only nutritious, but can bring in a good income.
Resource Pack 100
Information on the aquaculture value chain, including producing, processing and marketing farmed fish.
Resource Pack 99
Post-harvest activities in cassava, processing and marketing. Also includes beneficial farming practices, and sweet potato processing in Rwanda.
Resource Pack 98
Information about post-harvest activities in groundnut production, including drying, storage, processing and marketing.