Notes to broadcasters
Côte d’Ivoire is the leading producer of cocoa with 41% of the world supply. Numerous initiatives by women’s associations to process cocoa beans into products such as cakes and biscuits are beginning to surface.
But these initiatives are faced with limited or/and weak financial means. The only recourse is access to bank loans. Do women have access to these loans? How can access to funding help women to invest in processing of cocoa beans? We will answer all these questions in this script.
To produce a similar program on how access to finance can help women engage in cocoa agribusiness, you might want to draw on this script. If you decide to present it as part of your agricultural program, you can use voice actors or colleagues to represent the people interviewed. If so, please inform your audience at the beginning of the program that these are the voices of actors and radio presenters and not those of the actual interviewees.
If you want to broadcast programs on financing women in the cocoa industry, talk to women cocoa farmers, finance specialists, and other stakeholders in the cocoa value chain. You could ask them the following questions, for example:
- Do women have easy access to credit?
- How can access to finance help women invest in agribusiness?
- What cocoa processing initiatives are being undertaken by women?
- Can access to finance have an impact on women’s lives?
Estimated length of the radio script with music, intro and extro: 20 minutes.
According to a study by the African Development Bank, published in 2015, 68% of the labour force in cocoa production is female, but only 21% of the income generated goes to women.
Today we are going to talk about how access to financing and credit can facilitate women’s engagement in the cocoa agro-industry.
To talk about this, we are with Mr. Kouassi Yao Alex, technical advisor in the cocoa value chain and gender focal point at GIZ Abidjan. We also speak with Mr. Pehe Ninsmont, a technical advisor in structuring and organization of producers, in charge of issues related to financing.
We are also with Mrs. Anaki Odette, the president of the women transformers of cocoa beans in the Abengourou area, Mrs. Békoin Ake, general secretary of the women’s association of the agricultural co-operative of Yakassé Attobrou, and finally Mrs. Aïssata Doumbia, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Cooperative Company of the farmers of Méagui.
Good morning and thank you for accepting our invitation. My first question relates to the definition of concepts. I would like to know what is meant by cocoa agro-industry.
From our analysis of the cocoa sector, the small processing companies are run by women. These women are doing original things. In Adzopé, 105 km from Abidjan, for example, we saw women processing the juice from cocoa fermentation. They use this juice to make yogurt that they sell to schools. It is small-scale processing. If they are supported in the packaging processes, they can be even more successful.
Mrs. Doumbia, in which area of activity does your company specialize?
Isn’t it said that the success of this country hinges on agriculture? The agricultural sector has evolved, it has even become digitalized. Let the banks accompany us. For us, obtaining financing is the key to success.
In this program, we discussed how access to finance and credit help women engage in the cocoa agro-industry. We noticed that it was difficult for women to get credit in Côte d’Ivoire, and we explored some of the reasons and solutions.
Thank you very much for your kind attention. Goodbye and see you soon.
Contributed by: Soro Sita, Journalist Reporter at Radio Côte d’Ivoire group RTI (Radiodiffusion Télévision Ivoirienne)
Reviewed by: Kouassi Yao Alex, Green Innovation Centre for the Agro-Food Sector (GIC) Project, Special Initiative “One World Without Hunger” (SEWoH), Value Chain Technical Advisor, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ GmbH), Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, and Yao Fernand Konand, Green Innovation Centre for the Agro-Food Sector (GIC) Project, Special Initiative “One World Without Hunger” (SEWoH), Technical Advisor Sustainable Cocoa Production, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ GmbH), Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
Kouassi Yao Alex Value Chain Technical Advisor, Gender Focal Point at GIZ Abidjan
Pehe Ninsmont Technical advisor on structuring and organization of producers, in charge of issues related to financing at GIZ Abidjan
Anaki Odette President of women cocoa bean processors in the Abengourou area (Padiegnan)
Békoin Ake General Secretary of the women’s association of the Yakassé Attobrou agricultural cooperative
Aïssata Doumbia Chair, Board of Directors of the Méagui cooperative Ecam (Cooperative Company of Méagui Farmers).
Interviews conducted in late April and early May 2021
This story was produced thanks to a grant from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) which implements the Green Innovation Centres programme.