You are looking at scripts about Water management
Velvet Bean Shades the Wash Basin
ANNOUNCER: Washing clothes in the hot sun is no fun. Mr. Celso Antonio of Mexico discovered a way to make washing clothes more pleasant. You know those cement wash basins people have at the back of their house, or somewhere nearby? Well, Mr. Antonio planted a vine called velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) over the wash…
Catch Rain from Your Roof
Save and edit this resource as a Word document ANNOUNCER: Have you noticed that it’s getting more and more difficult to find clean water? Well, here is good news for listeners who walk a long way to get water. There is a way to collect water with very little effort – let the water come…
A Dryland Garden Tour
FADE IN MUSIC. FADE OUT MUSIC AS ANNOUNCER BEGINS SPEAKING. ANNOUNCER: Today we are going visiting. We are going to visit a dryland garden at the Fambidzanai Permaculture Centre in Zimbabwe. In the garden we will learn about ways to grow crops with limited water. During the tour you will hear about mulching, pit beds,…
Infiltration Pits Catch Water for Crops
ANNOUNCER: You are about to hear the story of a woman who found a way to hold more water in the soil for her crops. Her name is Azmera Atseba and she is 39 years old. She farms in Eastern Tigray, a part of Ethiopia in Africa. She grows mostly cereal crops – teff, wheat,…
Garden While you Shower
I’m gardening with my shower Don’t think I want to stop I’m bathing with my garden And I’m watering my crop ANNOUNCER: Bathing with your fruits and vegetables may not sound like fun, but it can be very practical. The water that drains from your shower will irrigate vegetables and tree seedlings. You can even…
How Trees Store Water and Protect Springs
Have you noticed that trees and water are always found together? Like good neighbours, trees and water help each other to prosper. Listen to the stories of your grandparents. They may say, “When we were children, there were forests and trees all around, and there were cool springs of water that flowed from the hillsides…
Dirty Water is Dangerous
Dirty water is dangerous. People make water dirty by urinating or defecating near ponds, wells, and rivers. Every year many people die from diseases spread by dirty water. Even if water looks clean, it may not be. It can contain harmful germs that are too small to see. These germs can cause diarrhea, dysentery, cholera,…
A School Garden in India
There is a small village called Bhandarikuda in eastern India. It lies next to Chilika Lake, which is a famous saline lake. Many years ago, during the rainy season, the land around the village was submerged in lake water. Gangadhar Bidyaniketan is a secondary school located two kilometres away from the village in a lonely…
Women Conserve Water in Drylands
In a dry valley in South Africa, 40 women have reclaimed an unused valley and turned it into a green, fertile place. Like a scar on the body, a yawning gulley above their project site is a stark reminder that erosion once ravaged this piece of land. What is their secret? How were these women…