You are looking at scripts about Water management

Ensuring good access to water, with less flooding

February 10, 2025

Dear broadcasting partner,  In this month’s theme pack, we share several radio resources on how to protect your watershed, including protecting riverbanks and dams. Farmers and the local environment rely on water, although too much can be disastrous as well. Floods can wash away ecosystems and farmers’ crops. Trees can help protect riverbanks from flooding…

No more famine: How one man led efforts to restore eight square kilometres of Nyakambu swamp in Sheema District, Western Uganda

October 8, 2024

HOST:                                                Greetings, listeners, and welcome to the program. My name is ____. Today we will be talking about Nature-based Solutions, or NbS. These are innovative yet essential tools to fight climate change. They merge indigenous viewpoints and ecosystem-based solutions to tackle climate adaptation efforts. If appropriately implemented, NbS can expedite progress towards a low-carbon, equitable,…

Community mobilization around water

September 11, 2024

Signature tune rises, then fades out HOST :                                              Welcome, listeners, and thank you for tuning in. Today’s program will focus on mobilizing the local population to take responsibility for the management of their water systems. We’re going to talk about the specific case of the village of Konioudou, located about forty (40) kilometers from…

Planted buffer zones protect watercourses

February 2, 2024

Signature tune rises, then fades out HOST:                                                Welcome, listeners. Today, we’re going to talk about protecting waterways from siltation by creating vegetated buffer zones. We’ll present two cases: that of the Mouhoum river in Bendougou, a village located about twenty kilometres from Dédougou in the Boucle du Mouhoun region, and the case of the…

Water-efficient gardens: Water is life.

September 23, 2016

Fade up signature tune and hold for 15 seconds to start the show. Signature tune fades out under host’s voice. HOST:                                   Hello, listeners! Welcome to (name of farmer program) on (name of radio station). This program is dedicated to one of the most important issues facing farmers today—how to use water more efficiently in their…

Rainwater From Large Rock Surfaces Can Be Used To Irrigate Crops: A New Technology From Kibaale District, Uganda

June 4, 2012

Programme signature tune. HOST: Good day, dear farmers, and welcome to our farming programme. Today we will talk about tapping water from the surface of large rocks to use in irrigation. We are privileged to have Mr. Bahindura John with us. Mr. John is an agricultural officer who specializes in irrigation practices and extension of technology…

Drip Irrigation

June 4, 2012

Signature tune Presenter: Dear listener, this is Mang’elete 89.1 F.M, broadcasting from Nthongoni town in Kibwezi district in the Eastern Province of Kenya. My name is Dominic Mutua Maweu, and I am presenting to you the Environment program. You have all witnessed the shortage of rain we have been experiencing in this area in recent years….

Rainfall retention protects soil

June 4, 2012

Cue in signature tune to begin the broadcast. The signature tune fades after 20 seconds and dissolves under the voice of the program host. Program host: Good morning, dear friends and listeners of Radio Salus. Welcome to today’s broadcast, whose theme is “Rainfall retention protects soil.” We are going to talk about some of the things…

Sekedo, a drought resistant sorghum for Karamoja

June 4, 2012

Signature tune to introduce the programme HOST: Hello and welcome to this week’s edition. It is feared that Africa will in the near future experience reduction in yields of staple crops like maize, millet and sorghum, which are consumed by many people. This is because of the increase in temperatures and the change in the rainy…

A decade of success: community-owned project brings tapped water to village in western Kenya

May 30, 2012

Thematic music to introduce the programme HOST: Welcome, listeners, to our programme. Today we visit a community water project in Kericho District, 300 kilometres northwest of Nairobi, Kenya. Kericho district is well known for tea production, which is a major source of foreign exchange for Kenya. However, poverty is still high, with levels being estimated at…