You are looking at scripts about Water management

Improving water and sanitation in Dindima, Bauchi State, Nigeria

May 30, 2012

Play signature tune and fade out PRESENTER: Hello and welcome. Today, we begin a three-part series on water and sanitation in Dindima, Bauchi State, Nigeria. I have a guest with me in the studio. (To the guest) First of all, we would like you to introduce yourself. DANLAMI MUHAMMADU RUMFA: I’m happy to be part of the…

Irrigated farming improves the income of rural farmers

May 30, 2012

OKOMKWO: Noma tushen arziki! (Editor’s note: This means “Farming: a source of wealth creation” in the Hausa language.) Signature tune up, then fades under presenter OKOMKWO: Welcome to Noman tushen arziki, a program that brings you the latest information and developments in farming. Today we are going to look at how irrigated farming improves the income of…

Clean water and a clean environment make a better life

May 30, 2012

Characters Nana Kwaku Forkuo: a village elder and opinion leader Maa Fatima: woman opinion leader Benedict Agyei Boahen: Member of Parliament for the area Vanessa Gyamfuah Agyei Boahen: the assembly member of the local council Some children in the village Cue in signature tune to begin the broadcast. The signature tune fades after 30 seconds…

Creative farmers modify borehole to irrigate fruit trees in the dry season

May 30, 2012

Characters: Host Mr. Ojok Christopher: farmer and leader of the Ajokis Edeke farm Ms. Adongo Norah: farmer Mr. Okello Michael: farmer Ms. Asio Grace: farmer Ms. Inachu Loyce: farmer Mr. Edongu Simon: farmer Program jingle HOST: Welcome to our program about farming today. Today, we have a special programme about agriculture, water and sanitation. It is…

Tichitepo kanthu pakusamalira madz! (Let’s do something about water and sanitation!)

May 30, 2012

HILDA JAMBO: I am Hilda Jambo, a reporter from Dzimwe Community Radio Station. I am in Nsumbi 1, a remote village in the Monkey-Bay Mangochi district of Malawi, three kilometres from Dzimwe Community Radio Station in Mangochi. Nsumbi 1 village has a population of around 9,000. About 60% of the population are fisherfolk, while the remaining…

Local water committee helps villagers, but especially women and children

May 30, 2012

Signature tune in, then out slowly HOST: Dear listener, welcome to today’s program. It is well known that water is one of the most important basic needs for human survival. Water has to be clean and safe. A shortage of water causes skin and eye problems as people do not wash. Likewise, unclean water may result…

Catch rain from your roof

May 9, 2012

Announcer: Hello to everybody listening to our program. If you are a woman and you walk a long way to fetch water, today we have some good news for you. We’re going to talk about a way to collect water with less effort – by catching it on your roof! That’s right. You might be…

Issue Pack: Water harvesting

April 30, 2012

True stories about water harvesting   Farmer Abadi Redehey lives in the Central Zone of Tigray Region, a semi-arid highland area in northern Ethiopia. Here, the wet season lasts from July to September or October and is followed by a long dry season. Even in the wet season, rains can be irregular. The farmer has…

A clean village for a healthy life

April 26, 2012

Host: Hello everyone, and welcome to the show. Today, Nsilulu Kanga is a model healthy village in the city and province of Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. But two years ago, this little village of about 200 people was dealing with diseases related to poor hygiene. Dozens of cases of diarrhoea…

Fighting corruption with community management of water systems

November 1, 2010

Characters Chief Daddy Mommy, (also president of the female rice farmers’ group) Awalé Fifonsi Group of female rice farmers Presenter: Pacôme Tomètissi Sounds of oxen mooing, water flowing, birds shrieking, car horns, sound of footsteps on the soil, and clapping. A local song on water, sanitation or corruption Signature tune for 30 seconds Pacôme Tomètissi:…