You are looking at scripts about Social issues
Empowerment saves youth from drug abuse
Fade up signature tune for 15 seconds and under Presenter: Welcome to another episode of In Focus, a youth program that focuses on people who have a positive impact on this generation. (Pause) Imagine being trapped in the world of drugs and the sex trade. These issues feature strongly in the stories of youth in…
Empowering communities with participatory community enumeration
Intro music Presenter: Hello once again, and welcome to your community friendly program, Community Watch. It’s coming to you from your number one radio station, National 90.5 FM, the first on the dial. I am your regular host, Kemi Aduroja. If you are just tuning in for the first time, this program showcases various initiatives…
Talking to teens about unsafe sex
Characters Host Clare Kiko: health worker Stella: 14-year-old girl Ben: Stella’s father Flora: Stella’s mother Boyo: Stella’s boyfriend Esther: 14-year-old girl, Stella’s friend Maggie: Flora’s friend Sonia: Flora’s friend Signature tune up for five seconds, then fade down and out under host Host: Hello listeners, welcome to this special program on sexual health. Now, have…
Fighting corruption with community management of water systems
Characters Chief Daddy Mommy, (also president of the female rice farmers’ group) Awalé Fifonsi Group of female rice farmers Presenter: Pacôme Tomètissi Sounds of oxen mooing, water flowing, birds shrieking, car horns, sound of footsteps on the soil, and clapping. A local song on water, sanitation or corruption Signature tune for 30 seconds Pacôme Tomètissi:…
No water no life: Corruption in a Zambian prison
Presenter: Good day to all listeners. Today we look at corruption in the water sector. In particular, we look at the effects of not having access to water due to corruption in one of the prisons in the Copperbelt of Zambia. Corruption involves the misuse or abuse of power for private gain. It can happen…
Water is life. Share it.
Characters German: Wise and good-hearted man in the village Village headman: Wise but sometimes weak Eda: Old woman, widow; looking after orphans left by her son who died from hunger Bimphi: A drunkard, always drunk. Hardworking, but spends much of his money on beer James: Nephew of the village headman, hard-hearted and selfish Jacob: Good…
Two-host presentation
Can corruption attack the water sector?
Jean Paul: Hello, dear Radio Salus listeners. As usual, it is time to discuss a variety of topics related to everyday life here in our country. As you know, Rwanda fights against any type of corruption. However, corruption persists in the country. It is for this reason that today, in our program, we are going…
Commercial farm activities can hurt local livelihoods: The case of Western Farms
Host: Hello everyone. Today you will hear part 1 of our programme on events at Odaba Swamp where an American company called Western Farms has started rice and fish farming. Stay tuned. I am your host and presenter, Rhoda Adala. Short musical break Host: We travelled to Western Farms and introduced ourselves to a superintendent…
Zamana, or ‘The confession’
Characters Presenter Madou: farmer Mouta: expert in civil engineering Bassi: opinion leader Satou: farmer Abou: president of the farmers’ group Belou: general secretary of the farmers’ group Fama: chief of the delegation Bira: villager Laré: entrepreneur Monda: town crier Presenter: Zamana is an imaginary village located in the Sahel, in the country of Manibu. The…
Water, a basic human need, but a privilege to the voiceless
Characters Jacob: Advocacy trainer Cheburet: Scheme attendant Community members 1 & 2 Clement: Sub-county official Host: Listener, our program today is about water. The main focus is on water integrity. Water integrity is all about responsibility and accountability in managing and using water. When everyone acts ethically, this provides a preventive barrier to corruption. The…