You are looking at scripts about Social issues

Trees and Terraces Prevent Hillside Flooding

April 1, 2000

SOUND OF HEAVY RAIN FOLLOWED BY SOUND OF FAST-FLOWING WATER. ANNOUNCER: The sound of heavy rain can be frightening if you live beside a steep hillside. It can bring rushing water, lost soil, and ruined crops. Ato Haile is a farmer who knows how devastating a heavy rain can be. His crops and home have…

New International Law will Affect Farmers in Developing Countries

April 1, 1998

New International Law will Affect Farmers in Developing Countries There is a new international agreement that may become law in 1998. It’s called the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, or MAI. This agreement is being written by the world’s richest countries. Yet it may affect you, your family and your community. Today we’re going to talk…

Life is harder in the city

December 1, 1992

Spot #1 Voice 1:People who migrate from the country to the city often do not know the problems they will face. Voice 2:  Yes.  In most cases, they take a lot of dreams with them to the city, but the sad reality is different.  In the end, they return to the place that they never…

Prevent cholera: Radio spots or print media fillers

December 1, 1992

No. 1 Prevent cholera. Wash your hands with soap and water after going to the toilet or the latrine and before preparing food for eating. No. 2 Prevent cholera. Do not eat foods prepared in the streets. Buy whole fruits that are not peeled. No. 3 Prevent cholera. Eat foods that are cooked and hot….

A Better Life in the Country

September 7, 1991

Letter 1, Series A   Presenter:  Today on this program, we have something new for you.  We’ll read you the first in a series of letters.  They were exchanged last year between Juan, a farmer who lives with his wife and children in the village of San Rafael, and his Uncle Silvio, who moved to the…