You are looking at scripts about Social issues

Life is harder in the city

December 1, 1992

Spot #1 Voice 1:People who migrate from the country to the city often do not know the problems they will face. Voice 2:  Yes.  In most cases, they take a lot of dreams with them to the city, but the sad reality is different.  In the end, they return to the place that they never…

Prevent cholera: Radio spots or print media fillers

December 1, 1992

No. 1 Prevent cholera. Wash your hands with soap and water after going to the toilet or the latrine and before preparing food for eating. No. 2 Prevent cholera. Do not eat foods prepared in the streets. Buy whole fruits that are not peeled. No. 3 Prevent cholera. Eat foods that are cooked and hot….

A Better Life in the Country

September 7, 1991

Letter 1, Series A   Presenter:  Today on this program, we have something new for you.  We’ll read you the first in a series of letters.  They were exchanged last year between Juan, a farmer who lives with his wife and children in the village of San Rafael, and his Uncle Silvio, who moved to the…