You are looking at scripts about Health

The power failure: Healing gaps in communication between teenagers and their parents

December 15, 2019

CHARACTERS: 1. Sam: Son of Ido and Katiana 2. Ido: Sam’s father and Katiana’s husband 3. Katiana: Sam’s mother and Ido’s wife 4. Abraham: Ido’s brother and Sam’s uncle     SCENE 1.   SETTING: Sam and Katiana’s living room. TIME: End of the morning (just before noon) SFX: LOW MUSIC COMING FROM A RADIO…

Maternal and infant mortality, why don’t we talk about it?

December 15, 2019

HOST: Good morning, dear listeners. Today, we will talk about maternal mortality, including the kinds of issues that affect pregnant women and how they manage their pregnancies. To talk about it, we interviewed health workers, fathers and mothers of young children, female and male midwives, and medical specialists. Although maternal and infant mortality in Burkina…

Delicious, nutritious, and lucrative : Fruits and vegetables

July 15, 2019

The theme pack includes 12 items from our Resource Packs: 10 interview scripts and two backgrounders. The theme pack also includes 15 Barza Wire Farmer stories and one other Barza Wire resource. These resources focus on various aspects of fruit and vegetable farming, including production practices, managing pests and diseases, good post-harvest and storage practices,…

Sexual consent

July 10, 2019

SIGNATURE TUNE HOST: Hello and welcome to our program on sexual consent. We know that many people are not quite sure what consent means. What is consent? How can consent be understood for a married couple? Or, for example, if one or both partners have consumed alcohol or drugs? Today we will examine these issues…

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

July 7, 2019

Why is this subject important to listeners? Sexually transmitted infections affect a large proportion of the population. Some STIs, including herpes and syphilis, can more than triple the risk of contracting HIV. STIs such as gonorrhea and chlamydia are major causes of pelvic inflammation and sterility. Most STIs can be cured when treated on time,…

Breaking the silence around infertility in women and men

February 1, 2019

SIG TUNE UP THEN UNDER ALICE: (TEASER) “… For those 11 years, it has been difficult. Dealing with relatives who do not understand the struggle and friends who think I am not trying hard enough to get a baby.” HOST: Alice has been trying for a child for more than 11 years now. It has…


November 12, 2018

Here is our latest monthly theme pack of FRI resources, this month about a major health issue in urban and rural Africa and around the globe: stroke. The theme pack includes five items from our Resource Packs: one backgrounder and four interview scripts. Backgrounder Backgrounder on stroke Interviews How families and other caregivers can help…


November 12, 2018

What is a stroke? A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off. Without blood, brain cells lack a supply of oxygen, which causes cell damage and cell death. Depending on which part of the brain is affected and how quickly the person is treated, the impacts on stroke…

Stroke is not terminal: How caregivers and health professionals can help survivors recover from the impacts of a stroke

November 7, 2018

SIGNATURE TUNE UP FOR FIVE SECONDS THEN UNDER HOST: Greetings, listeners, and welcome to the program. My name is ____. Today we will be talking about stroke and the therapies designed to help stroke patients recover from it. Most Ugandans have little knowledge about stroke, according to Dr. Ibrahim Bukenya, the head physiotherapist at the…

Handling the financial impact of stroke and modifying the home to make it safe for stroke survivors

November 7, 2018

Main host: Delali Afi Mawutor Studio guests: Physiotherapist: Otis Nkansah Caregiver: Mrs. Elizabeth Afenyo Stroke survivors: Madam Akosua Fremah, Mr. Kofi Tawiah Phone interviewee: Madam Beatrice Washington. DELALI: Hello, listeners, I welcome you all to another edition of Speak Health, where we discuss health topics and present insights into health issues. Delali Afi Mawutor is…