You are looking at scripts about Health

Children improve health in their communities

January 1, 1996

During the l980s, educators and health workers became more aware that children can improve health and hygiene in their communities.  Children often communicate and share more than adults, and often can read and write.  Many children also look after younger brothers and sisters while their parents work. A new approach called “child‑to‑child” was developed during…

Raising Guinea Pigs for Meat or Money

January 1, 1996

When you think of guinea pigs you might think of cute, cuddly little pets.  But for the highland people of South America, and people in parts of Africa and Asia, guinea pigs mean extra food and income.  Maybe you would like to try raising guinea pigs. First of all, the meat is delicious.  You can…

No Pit Latrine Produces Fertilizer

October 1, 1995

A new type of latrine improves health by breaking the cycle of fecal contamination and the spread of diseases such as diarrhea, hepatitis, typhoid, and parasitic infections. It also provides farmers with fertilizer for their crops. The high quality organic fertilizer produced by the new latrine reduces farmers’ costs and helps to avoid the long…

Hand Held Scale to Identify Low Weight Newborns

October 1, 1995

Millions of underweight infants are born each year. Because these babies run an increased risk of illness and death they need special care. Midwives and traditional birth attendants must be able to identify which newborns need special attention. The Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) has developed a simple scale for midwives, nurses, and…

Prepare a Home First Aid Kit

July 1, 1995

When someone close by has an accident, right away you want to do what you can to help. You give first aid to help the person recover and to prevent the injury from getting worse. In fact, when you give first aid, you might even save the life of the injured person. Today we’re going…

An Improved Stove Can Change Your Life

April 1, 1995

Mothers, have your children ever been burned by the cooking fire? Do you and your children walk long distances to collect firewood? Does the smoke from the cooking fire hurt your eyes and lungs? If you answered yes, you will want to hear today’s story about a woman who improved her life by changing her…

Handle Livestock with Care

April 1, 1995

Do you handle your animals with care? An animal that is handled with care will produce more milk, more offspring, and more meat. When animals are stressed they need special care, for example when they are being moved. Moving livestock Here are some helpful hints to remember when moving livestock. First, use your head before…

Why Young Brides Should Delay Having Babies

January 1, 1995

A baby is a treasure and a joy. But having a baby may be difficult. We would like to talk today about one way to avoid some of the difficulties and help both mother and baby be well and strong. How can you do that? By making sure that a girl is old enough to…

Planned Pregnancies are Best for Mother and Child

January 1, 1995

We all want healthy children. For several programs now we have been talking about how children are healthier if they are born at least 2 years apart. Waiting at least 2 years between pregnancies is also better for the health of the mother. “But wait,” you say. “We’ve been talking about having healthier children. Why…

Fewer Children Mean Healthier Children

October 1, 1994

We recently told you about farmers named John and Sam who grew carrots. John planted his carrots well apart but Sam crowded his together. He thought that the more seeds he sowed the more carrots he’d get. But Sam was wrong. Although his fields had more seedlings at the beginning of the season, by harvest…