You are looking at scripts about Health

Domestic violence: Consequences and causes

October 13, 2022

HOST: Hello dear listeners, welcome to our program. Today, with our guests, we will talk about domestic violence, a form of gender-based violence, also referred to as GBV. They will talk about the causes and consequences of domestic violence, as well as the measures taken by organizations and individuals to address it. They will also…

Are you mine? Sexual consent in young people

October 13, 2022

Characters: The narrator; Hamidou, Sokoura’s fiancé; Sokoura, Hamidou’s fiancée; Lassi, Hamidou’s friend; Bamineta, social advisor; Mr. Samaké, the village teacher   Scene I: How it all began between Hamidou and Sokoura   NARRATOR: In this first scene, Sokoura learns that her parents have accepted Hamidou’s engagement kola. She is delighted with them because she has…

Myths and misconceptions about sexual consent and contraceptives

October 13, 2022

HOST: Good morning, and welcome to our program about myths and misconceptions on sexual consent and contraceptives. Today we will hear from three speakers. Suzanne Traoré is a young woman who used to believe false rumours about sexual consent and birth control. She will share her experience with us. Thiery Idrissa Goro is a lawyer…

Resources to celebrate World Food Day 2022: Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow

October 11, 2022

Our theme pack of FRI resources for October addresses food safety, including food and meal-time hygiene practices as well as food processing and storage techniques to keep food fresh longer. This theme pack includes seven items from our Resource Packs: two series of radio spots, two backgrounders, two scripts, and one narrative. It also includes…

Myths and misconceptions about sexual consent and contraceptives

October 7, 2022

Spot #1: When a woman says no, she means no!   NARRATOR: Why do women have to put up with violence from men who are desperate to satisfy their libido, even after they’ve said no? Pay attention! Without consent, sexual intercourse is rape. In Mali, rape is defined as sexual penetration of any kind, through…

Hygienic practices for baby care

September 14, 2022

Spot #1: Exclusive breastfeeding for newborn babies   NARRATOR: For the first six months after birth, the baby should be exclusively breastfed. The mother should breastfeed the baby day and night as needed. She should always ensure that her breast is clean before offering it to the baby. This can be done by washing the…

Stigma associated with COVID-19 and vaccination

August 30, 2022

FADE UP SIGNATURE TUNE, THEN OUT HOST: Dear listeners, welcome to today’s program. Judging by the extent to which fake news about COVID-19 is spreading, the stigma attached to the disease and to COVID-19 vaccination is still very much alive. In this program, we hope to raise awareness about the impact of this stigma on…

Recommended breastfeeding and weaning practices

August 30, 2022

Introduction Breastfeeding Why is this topic important to listeners? To help listeners understand that breastfeeding is not a sign of poverty. To help listeners understand that breastmilk is free and appropriate for a baby’s needs. To help listeners understand that bottle-feeding often exposes young children to health problems (oral and pharyngeal infections, gastroenteritis, etc.), especially…

Sexual and reproductive health

August 24, 2022

  Spot #1: Available sexual and reproductive health services   SFX: INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC HOLD UNDER BELOW PERSON 1: What kind of sexual and reproductive health services are available in Malawi? PERSON 2: We have many services. There is medical treatment if you are sick, plus testing, counselling, and treatment of STIs, including HIV. You can…

Chronic COVID-19, or long COVID

July 7, 2022

Questions for health experts on chronic COVID-19, or long COVID 1. What is chronic COVID-19, or long COVID? a. Follow-up questions: i. What is the cause of chronic COVID-19, or long COVID? ii. What are the symptoms of chronic COVID-19, or long COVID? iii. What should a person do if they think they have chronic…