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Nature is Never Naked: The Importance of Mulch

June 1, 2005

SIGNATURE TUNE Narrator: How are you farmers and listeners today? Today we are going to hear a program that comes to you from “The Story Workshop” in Blantyre, Malawi. SIGNATURE TUNE UP AND THEN DOWN UNDER. Narrator: Today’s program is called “The river floods with water from the streams”. This traditional proverb means that each…

Farmers who use improved fallows must replace phosphorous in soils

March 1, 2005

Characters In this program, the hosts are named Onyango and Rose. Please use names that your audience will relate to and recognize. Rose is very knowledgeable on the topics of agriculture and agroforestry. Onyango is also very keen and asks many good questions, but sometimes seems impatient. The two have a playful way of responding…

“When it rains”: The role of trees in preventing soil erosion

March 1, 2005

“When it rains” Part 1 Start of program BRING UP MUSIC AND CROSS FADE INTO EFFECT. CRICKET SOUNDS IN THE DISTANCE. HEAVY WINDS BLOWING. A CRACK OF THUNDER AND THEN HEAVY RAIN. HOLD THE RAIN FOR 3 SECONDS. Keke: (Yawning) Nothing like the morning after a rain. I can not only feel, but smell the…

Story Ideas to Help Rural Communities Cope with Labour Shortages and Other Impacts of HIV and AIDS

January 1, 2005

Pit farming as a farmer response to labour shortages Households affected by HIV and AIDS need strategies to deal with labour shortages. Pit farming is a way for farmers to pool their labour. Although initially labour intensive with a lot of planning and digging involved, this practice will save labour in subsequent seasons. Farmers dig…

Mummy Cheetah and her Babies: A Story to Help Orphaned Children Talk

January 1, 2005

Narrator: Mummy Cheetah and her four babies lived on the plain. Mummy Cheetah hunted for food for her babies and sang to them to keep them safe at night. In her song she sang to each one of her children: Miko, Mimi, Coco and Charlie. One day Mummy Cheetah became sick. She was sad and…

Misconceptions and Acceptance: People Living with HIV/AIDS Need Love and Compassion

January 1, 2005

Characters Announcer MaRedebe: Mother of a girl with HIV/AIDS MaMhlongo: Good friend of MaRedebe MaRadebe: Gugu is not coming back here, period! Now, if you don’t mind I have a church meeting to attend. You know your way out. MaMhlongo: But MaRadebe – you can’t mean that! This is your daughter we’re talking about. Just…

Share Farming Knowledge with Your Children

January 1, 2005

Characters: Host Daughter Mother INTRO. MUSIC. Host: Have you ever thought about how you learned to cultivate and harvest crops? You probably learned most of what you know about farming and survival from your parents. You are about to hear a story of a mother who understood the value of her own knowledge and experience….

The Importance of Security Crops

January 1, 2005

BRING UP MUSIC AND HOLD UNDER NARRATOR. Narrator: It is surprising how different two sisters can be. Two people who have grown up in the same country, the same village, and the same family. Today’s program shows how the choices that a farmer makes can sometimes mean the difference between survival and despair. FADE OUT…

Women, Property and Inheritance

January 1, 2005

Host: Welcome to our show. Today we’re going to discuss some important questions about women and inheritance. For example, what happens to a woman when her husband dies, and who becomes the rightful owner of her property? Is there anything a woman can do to ensure that she receives the property? To help us answer…

Choosing crops for drought-prone areas

January 1, 2005

Host 1: Good day and welcome to the program. For a farmer, choosing the right crops for local soils and climate is a concern. Especially if you live in a dry area, it’s important to plant crops that can survive drought. Host 2: There are so many challenges that farmers face these days…fewer people to…