You are looking at scripts about Health
Raising Rabbits for Meat and Profit: Part Two
Traditional swange music from Mbanor village, Nigeria. Host: Welcome to the second and concluding part of the interview series on raising rabbits. My guest is the famous Chief Asema Yuwa, a retired agricultural extension worker and experienced rabbit keeper from Mbanor Village. Once again, Chief Asema Yuwa, you are welcome. Chief: Thank you. It’s good…
Gender and HIV/AIDS
Theme song up and hold under narrator. NARRATOR: How are you today, listeners? As usual I, Mercy Chipeta, am back with your favourite program Mwana Alirenji (“self-sufficiency”) brought to you by The Story Workshop with the support of the European Union. Theme song up and cross fade into narrator’s speech below. NARRATOR: What passes fast…
When parents die of AIDS, farming knowledge often dies too
NARRATOR: Good morning (afternoon, evening). Today’s program is about AIDS orphans. Some orphans are taken in by relatives and do well. But others are blamed by their caretakers who assume that AIDS is a consequence of promiscuity. Orphans are also blamed for being a burden on their new family. These orphans are sometimes abused in…
Maternal postpartum depression
CHARACTERS: Shakina: A 45- year-old grandmother who clings to the old way of life in her village Ashanti: A 42-year-old grandmother concerned about her only daughter Sylvia, who has just had a baby and has not shown up to work today Layla: A 32-year-old mother of two girls and a friend of Sylvia Johari: A…
Selenium can help people living with HIV and AIDS
CHARACTERS: There are three characters in this radio program: one radio host, one nutritionist and one agricultural extension officer. Please use names that are familiar to your audience, and ensure that one of the guests is a woman and the other is a man. Introductory music up for ten seconds, then fade out. HOST: Hello and…
Protecting your health and the community from agricultural pesticides and fertilizers
Spot # 1: It is dangerous to store fertilizers and foods in the same place This is the sad story of Ahungur. Ahungur kept powdered fertilizer and salt in her kitchen. When she returned from the farm for the day, tired and worn out, Ahungur cooked soup to eat with pounded yam tubers for the…
Maternal Health, Part Two
CHARACTERS: Azuma (Tontie’s wife, also a daughter-in-law to Halosu) Tontie (Azuma’s husband, Halosu’s grown-up son) Halosu (Tontie’s mother, mother-in-law to Azuma) Nurse (A community health nurse, who pays routine visits to the community) SYNOPSIS: Azuma, who got married to Tontie in the first part of this drama, is in labour at home, being attended to…