You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

Good practices in production and post-harvest management. Adapting to and mitigating climate change in conventional soybean production in Togo

July 23, 2021

Introduction   The cultivation of soybeans was introduced in Togo in the 1980s, with the aim of providing a dietary supplement in protein and reducing malnutrition. But it was only in 2010 that Togolese producers adopted the crop. Since then, soybean production has grown significantly, and Togo is a leader in conventional soybean production (soybeans…

Legumes: Multipurpose crops for small-scale farmers in Ethiopia

July 23, 2021

HOST: Greetings, listeners. Today, we’ll be talking about legume production in Ethiopia. We’ll be speaking with three small-scale legume farmers and an expert on this matter. Ethiopia is one of the top legume-producing countries in the world, and the second largest producer of faba bean in the world after China. This massive production of legumes…

Managing aflatoxin contamination throughout the groundnut value chain

July 23, 2021

HOST: In Togo, the Kara and Savanes regions are some of the most prominent groundnut-producing areas. Throughout the country, groundnuts play an important role in agricultural production. But producers are faced with aflatoxin contamination in the groundnut sector. This undermines their efforts to grow groundnuts throughout the season. According to the United Nations Food and…

Effects of climate change and animal disease on dairy farming in Zambia

July 14, 2021

HOST: In today’s program, we discuss the effects of climate change and animal diseases on small-scale dairy farmers. How have dairy farmers been affected by climate change? What is being done to mitigate or adapt to the impacts of climate change? And what type of animal diseases are prevalent and what is being done to…

Radio spots on cassava

July 11, 2021

SPOT #1: SITE SELECTION   NARRATOR: Farmers, how should you choose a site to grow your cassava? Here are four tips to help you choose the best site. First, look at the vegetation on the site. If it’s lush and green, the soil is fertile. Second, consider the history of the site. If cassava has…

Production and post-harvest practices for organic soybean

July 6, 2021

Introduction   The cultivation of organic soybeans excludes practices that involve using synthetic chemicals throughout the production chain. In addition, the cultivation of organic soybeans is based on other principles such as: The non-use of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). The recommendation to recycle organic waste. Crop rotation to regenerate the soil. Managing insect pests with…

Recommended post-harvest actions to maximize soybean quality and value

July 6, 2021

SFX: FADE IN Program SIGNATURE TUNE, FADE OUT HOST: Welcome to Farming is a Business. My name is Filius Chalo Jere on Breeze FM and our program today is on soybean, which has suddenly become a very important crop for the farmer, the agro-dealer, and even the consumer. In this program, we shall deal with…

Safely managing VSLAs (chamas) during COVID-19

July 5, 2021

CHARACTERS: MARIA: Woman in early 30’s. Has three school-going children and is married to Patrick. She rears chickens and sells eggs and chickens in the village. Maria is self-centred and likes attention. She is a member of the chama. ANETTE: Woman in early 30s. Maria’s friend and neighbour. She is an official in the chama…

Production practices for wheat

July 5, 2021

Introduction   Why is this subject important to listeners? Farmers who want a good yield from their wheat farming need to know: The benefits of advance planning and planned allocation of resources. The benefits of involving women and the entire family in planning, including decisions to allocate resources. How they can access and use inputs…

Ivorian cocoa: Access to finance is the key to success for women in the cocoa bean processing industry

July 5, 2021

HOST: In Côte d’Ivoire, women face a variety of obstacles that make it difficult for them to enter the agribusiness sector. Access to financing is a major issue. According to a study by the African Development Bank, published in 2015, 68% of the labour force in cocoa production is female, but only 21% of the…