You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

DCFRN farming hints

June 9, 1990

Save and edit this resource as a Word document A: Growing maize when water is scarce David Kambikiya, Horticultural Officer, Zambia: I have often saved my maize crop from severe droughts. I do it by companion cropping with pumpkins. I use varieties with big leaves. The big leaves protect the soil around the maize from…

Use chili peppers to control pests

June 8, 1990

Save and edit this resource as a Word document Content: Use chili peppers (Capsicum spp.) as a powder or spray against many crop pests. HOST: Many people use chili peppers when they prepare their meals. Chili peppers can also be used to make an effective pest control spray or dust which can be used instead…

Filling sacks with grain or other farm produce

June 7, 1990

Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Content: Before putting grain or produce in a sack, be sure the sack is dry, clean, and free from insects. Also, turn it inside out. If you don’t have extra help to hold the sack open, make a sack holder. It is a simple structure, as…

Grow many different crops and crop varieties

June 5, 1990

Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Content: Grow many different crops and crop varieties. If you grow only a few crops, and growing conditions turn out to be poor for one or more of those crops, you risk not having enough food for your family or to sell. If you grow many…

Termites are good chicken feed

June 1, 1990

Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Content: Termites are a good source of protein for your chickens. Trap termites in special compost piles or in jars of dry cow dung and feed them to your chickens. HOST:     Do your chickens get enough protein, that special kind of food that birds, animals,…

Life is better in the country: Radio spots or print media fillers

March 11, 1990

Save and edit this resource as a Word document. * Fidel Orense, Philippines, broadcasts radio spots on this subject. So does James Achanyi-Fontem, Cameroon. He says, “They are effective because of their constant repetition in the official and national languages.” Semi-formal evaluations quoted by Milton Munoz, Honduras, show that farmers retain almost 90% of the…

Get the most from your fish pond

March 9, 1990

Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Content: Fish being raised in a fish pond need enough food. You can supply fresh larvae to feed your fish at no cost. Plankton (tiny plant/animal life) is another good source of food. It grows in fertile ponds. Make fertile ponds in four ways; test whether…

Select good laying hens

March 8, 1990

Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Content: Learn to identify the good and poor laying hens in your flock. Don’t waste feed on poor layers. Keep your egg production high. HOST:     Do you know how to identify hens that are not laying as many eggs as they should? If you remove…

Use good plants to control bad weeds at no cost

March 6, 1990

Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Content: Weeds with running rootstalks (rhizomes) are difficult to control. We explain why.  Then we give a simple, no-cost way to control rhizome weeds. We use Congo grass (Imperata cylindrica) as an example. It is one of the world’s ten worst weeds. Cut Congo grass to…

Delores Chandler: A leading women farmer in Barbados

March 4, 1990

Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Content: Delores Chandler is a farm leader in Barbados. She holds executive offices in the Food Crop Growers’ Association and the Barbados Agricultural Society. Mrs. Chandler shares several good farming and livestock practices, including the preparation, planting, and care of a vegetable seedling bed. She also…