You are looking at scripts about Agriculture
Use Bamboo To Move Water
A good way to move water is through a long trough or pipe. The big problem with metal or plastic pipe is that it costs quite a lot of money. Many farmers make their own pipes or troughs out of bamboo poles. To do this you must first select suitable poles. It is best to…
Growing Fruit
Compost for fruit trees Fruit trees grow best in deep, fertile, well-drained soils. Most fruit trees need to be fed with additional nutrients when they are growing. In poor soils it is good to provide nutrients from time to time beginning at planting. In deep, fertile soils, this is only necessary when the fruit tree…
Co-operative Series: A Village Garden Co-operative – Part 2
The meeting was called to order. Maria asked people to talk about their problems. She explained that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss openly the problems people had in common, and maybe to decide what their biggest difficulty was and ways to deal with it. There was great reluctance to do this. No…
Co-operative Series: A Village Garden Co-operative – Part 1
All of the people in the village were suffering. Once again the harvest was disappointing. It was not the first time the crops had failed, but this season success was especially important. Last year’s harvest was so small that the farmers had to sell nearly all of it. That left less for their families. It…
How I Turned Abandoned Farm Land Into Good Soil
When I came to teach at a school here in southern Nigeria, I soon noticed the heavy red clay soil. The staff members told me that the school farm had very poor soil and that crops would not grow on it. I disagreed with them because I had learned about soils like this in university….
Increase yield with better seed potatoes
Let us think for a few minutes about potatoes and how you might get a higher yield from your potato plants. Two types of seed As you may know, there are two kinds of seed that will produce a crop of potatoes. One kind is the potato tuber itself or even a piece of the…
Co-operative series: Part 2 – Let’s form a farmers’ co-operative in our village
Introduction HOST: Today, we are presenting a play about farmers who form a co-operative. The farmers are having problems earning enough money to provide for their families, and so they decide to work as a group to help each other. They form a co-operative. A co-operative is a business that is owned and operated…
Co-operative series: Part 1 – What is co-operation?
HOST: There is an old story in southern Africa that teaches an important lesson about co-operation. It goes like this: “A man had four quarrelsome children. He was about to die, and he did not want to leave them in a state of hatred for each other. So he called them to his bedside…
Tiny creatures improve soil for crops
HOST: The soil beneath your feet is the home of millions of living creatures. In fact, scientists say that there are more living beings under the ground than above it. These include small animals, insects, earthworms, and termites. There are also soil microbes* so small we can’t see them. Although often forgotten, they are…
Baling hay the low-cost way
Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Content: Many farmers make and store hay for their animals to eat in the dry season. The easiest way to handle good, dry hay is in bales. You can make a low-cost baler. Make a square box without a top or bottom. Cut and dry your…