You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

Green Manure and Rice: Choose the Right Green Manure Crop

August 1, 1992

A green manure crop is a crop grown especially to provide nitrogen for the rice crop and to add organic matter to the soil.  It is planted before or after rice when the land is vacant.  Then it is ploughed into the soil as fertilizer for the rice. So growing a green manure crop is…

Green Manure and Rice: Get Higher Rice Yields with Green Manure Crops

August 1, 1992

Every farmer must think about how to get good yields, not only this season but year after year.  As rice grows, it takes nutrients out of the soil.  The crop uses about 20 kg nitrogen, 5 kg phosphorus, and 44 kg potassium to produce one ton of rice grain!  When no fertilizer is added and…

A Woman Farmer Practises Zero Grazing

August 1, 1992

Which is better?  One healthy cow or five skinny, sick cows?  Which will make more money for the owner?  One healthy cow or five scrawny, sick cows? Many small-scale farmers think that it is better to put more work into keeping one animal well-fed and healthy than to keep a number of animals that fend…

Grow Food in the City

August 1, 1992

When you think of growing food, do you think only of large farms out in the country?  Do you think of fields and open spaces?  Think again!  You can grow crops and raise livestock right in the city. Growing food in the city is sometimes called “urban agriculture.”  City people all over the world are…

Have you heard…?

March 1, 1992

From the United States: Weevils Bean Tumbling Controls Farmers who grow beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) know the damage the larvae of the common bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus) can do. The larvae can quickly reduce a bag of beans to nothing. But the problem is easy to solve according to Dr. Martha Quentin from Michigan State…

Make the Most of Trees: Trees as Fenceposts and Trees in Pasture

March 1, 1992

Today we have two ideas for you from Guatemalan farmers about uses for trees that might be new to you. These are ideas that are especially useful for farmers who don’t have lots of land for tree planting, but who know how important it is to plant trees on the farm. As we all know,…

How to Prevent Thin Egg Shells

March 1, 1992

Do your hens lay eggs with thin shells or no shells at all? Usually the older birds in your flock are the ones that lay eggs with thin shells. They are the birds which have been laying eggs for a long time. The eggshell is the hard, inedible part of an egg. It gives shape…

Keep Baby Chicks Warm

March 1, 1992

By keeping a few chickens in your backyard you get protein from eggs and meat. And you can make extra money by selling the eggs or meat. In fact, you might start thinking about increasing the number of birds you have and making a business of selling eggs and meat. First of all, decide how…

Comfrey Leaves as Potato Fertilizer

March 1, 1992

Content: A man in South Africa has learned from a village elder that comfrey leaves are good fertilizer for his potatoes. One day Tabo was out in his garden working. He was planting potatoes. He was planting them different ways to see which would grow the best. Next to his animals, Tabo loved nothing more…

Grow Your Own Fertilizer -Plant Cover Crops with Maize

March 1, 1992

Many farmers in different parts of the world are growing their own fertilizers. Commercial fertilizers are becoming more and more expensive and they often fail to keep the soil fertile. So farmers are growing cover crops which are available, inexpensive, and help to keep the soil fertile for many years. Cover crops protect the soil…