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Conserve water: Apply water directly to plant roots, use waste for irrigation

December 1, 1992

When water is scarce, you need to make the most of every last drop.  You can conserve water by applying it directly to plant roots, and by using waste water for irrigation. In times of drought, farmers have to struggle to make the most of every little bit of water.  Nothing can be wasted.  Here…

Trees in Your Garden Give you Fertilizer

December 1, 1992

Do you have a vegetable garden but not enough fertilizer? Today we are going to talk about an idea especially for gardeners or farmers who do not have livestock to supply manure as fertilizer for their garden. At the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) in the Philippines they plant leguminous trees between garden plots….

General Farming Tips

August 1, 1992

Kitchen smoke preserves maize: By E. James Kalikwani; Director Variety Farmers; Jinja, Uganda When maize has dried in the field and is ready to harvest, select the healthy cobs that you want to keep.  Cut off the stalks and the cobs with a sharp knife and tie them up in a bundle.  Hang them near…

Women Co-Operate to Help Villagers: Case Study #2

August 1, 1992

Mama Nsalaba and Mama Disisa live with their families in the village of Kiombia. Their huts are nestled under the shade trees on seven hills in southwestern Zaire. In the past few years, these two women have become the leaders of an 11-member women’s co-operative in their village. It was not easy for them to…

Co-Operation Brings New Life to a Village: Case Study #1

August 1, 1992

Don Doo is a small village of 55 households in northeastern Thailand. It suffered drought for three years. During that time, more than half the households had no rice harvest. The head of the family–sometimes the entire family–had to move from the village to find jobs just to survive. Old people and children were left…

A Simple Fly Trap

August 1, 1992

Nearly every farmer in the world has trouble with stable flies (Stomoxys spp.) – those pesky blood-sucking flies that carry disease to cows and other livestock.  Here’s an easy way to get rid of them.  It comes from farmers on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. To start off, they keep their cows…

Good Soil Management Increases Harvests

August 1, 1992

Content:  Take care of your soil. Use crop rotation, mulching and proper soil water management. A few simple steps can help increase crop yields. Let us think for a few minutes about how farmers should manage their soil to get better crop yields. Modern farmers Modern farmers know how to look after the soil. They…

Profit from Raising Rabbits in the City

August 1, 1992

Content: Keep rabbits in the city and profit from their meat, skin, fur, and dung. You can sell rabbits in the market to earn money, and eat rabbit meat to improve your family’s diet. Rabbits do not take up much space, they have lots of babies, and they are cheap and easy to feed. So…

A Visit to Walk Softly Farm

August 1, 1992

Today we are going to visit an unusually efficient farm.  Harvey and Nancy Harman grow vegetables, fruit, and flowers at Walk Softly Farm.  On less than one hectare they produce enough vegetables for themselves and to sell to 25 other families.  They grow at least four times as many vegetables as most other farmers grow…

Green Manure and Rice: How to Grow a Green Manure Crop

August 1, 1992

A green manure crop is a crop grown especially to provide nitrogen for the rice crop, and to add organic matter to the soil.  It is planted before or after rice when the land is vacant.  Then it is ploughed into the soil as fertilizer for the rice. It is important to choose the right…