You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

Reining in Rats

April 1, 1993

Wherever there are people, there are rats, because wherever people live, they store food. Stored food – especially grain – draws rats.  But you can stop rats from stealing your food. The first thing to do is to make it difficult for the rats to get at your stored food.  The best way to do…

Raise Your Own Plants for Green Manure Crops

April 1, 1993

Annual plants for green manure crops are easy to grow from seed.  But propagating perennials (trees and shrubs that live for many years) from seed can be slow. A faster way to propagate some perennials is to use stem cuttings‑‑that is, pieces of branches cut from mature plants or trees.  You can plant them in…

Protect Stored Beans from Weevils

April 1, 1993

Today we are going to talk about a couple of ways you can prevent bean weevils from damaging stored beans.  We will talk about adding ashes or vegetable oil to the beans in storage. The very first step is to determine whether or not it is even necessary to use pest control.  In other words,…

Integrated pest management

April 1, 1993

No. 1:  What is a pest? What is a pest?  A pest is a creature that damages crops.  And one of the most important things a farmer can learn is that not all insects are pests.  Many insects eat other insects.  They are called beneficial or friendly insects, because they help control the insects that DO…

When is an Insect a Pest?

April 1, 1993

What does the word “pest” mean to you?  Many farmers think that all insects are pests. Here is a different idea about pests.  An insect becomes a pest only when it damages enough of your crop to make you lose money. It is at this time when you should consider using a pest control method….

What is Integrated Pest Management?

April 1, 1993

These days many farmers use only one type of pest control.  Many use only chemical pesticides.  But using only pesticides can cause problems. At first, you might find that chemical pesticides work well.  But pesticides do not only kill bad pests: they also kill many of the good or friendly insects which eat the pests. …

Traditional, Hybrid, and Improved Crops

April 1, 1993

Some of the crops you grow have probably been important in your region for generations.  There are good reasons to keep on planting these traditional crops. Traditional crops are adapted to local growing conditions.  A crop does well in a particular region because it has qualities that help it survive the conditions it faces there. …

Keep Your cattle in good condition with poultry manure

April 1, 1993

We often hear nurses and village health workers talk about eating nutritious foods.  Energy‑giving foods give us the strength to work and exercise.  Body‑building foods help us repair damaged body tissue.  Vitamins and minerals protect us from disease. Cattle are like us: they need nutritious food to keep healthy. Many farmers have trouble keeping their…

Working with Saline Soil

December 1, 1992

Saline soil is a problem for many farmers.  Saline soil is especially common in low-lying areas such as the flood plains of rivers, lake beds, and coastal plains.  In these places, ground water containing salts is found within a few metres of the surface. Most plants either do not grow well in saline soil or…

Farm in a Box

December 1, 1992

Do you think that because you live in a town or a city you cannot grow food for your family or for the market?  In almost no space at all, some city families grow crops that improve their diet and earn them money too! They learned that growing crops in rows in fields is not…