You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

The Jab-Seeder: A Tool for Manual Seeding

July 1, 1995

In the northeast part of Thailand, poor soybean farmers who cannot afford power driven farm tools spend long, tiring hours seeding their farms by hand. It is done in three steps: making the holes, dropping the seeds in, and covering them up. The task is time consuming and tiring. The Asian Institute of Technology in…

Forage System for Semi Arid Areas

July 1, 1995

In Bali, Indonesia, it is common for farmers to mix crop and animal systems. In the dry regions cattle are very important, bringing in up to 43% of the total farm income. Native grasses, tree leaves, and cereal straws are used as feed, but the supply is often inadequate. To increase the availability of animal…

Build and Maintain Contour Ridges

July 1, 1995

Some people wonder why it is necessary to use special conservation measures when they can reap crops from their fields without this extra effort. Why do these people think that all is well? They are unaware of the “silent thief” of our land – soil erosion. You can stop that silent thief in your own…

Handle Livestock with Care

April 1, 1995

Do you handle your animals with care? An animal that is handled with care will produce more milk, more offspring, and more meat. When animals are stressed they need special care, for example when they are being moved. Moving livestock Here are some helpful hints to remember when moving livestock. First, use your head before…

Biological Pest Control: Reduce Pests Naturally

April 1, 1995

Most insects, plants, and animals are friends of farmers. For instance, of 100 insects that might be found in a farmer’s field, only one kind of insect will be a pest and the other 99 are friendly insects. You can reduce the number of pests by putting these friends to work for you. The technique,…


April 1, 1995

Harvesting fruit the easy way By Livai Matarirano, Zimbabwe Harvesting fruit from tall trees can be a problem. Some people ask young children to climb the trees and harvest ripe fruit. If the children don’t have a basket they throw the fruit to the ground. The child may fall and injure a leg or hand…

Food Chain Story

April 1, 1995

Once upon a time, there were sixteen little bugs living in a vegetable garden next to a river. These tiny bugs didn’t eat much, but the owner of the garden didn’t want to share any of his vegetables with insects. So he bought a can of pesticide from the store. This poison was a fine…

A Kitchen Garden for the Family

April 1, 1995

The importance of vegetables in our diets cannot be over emphasized. The vegetables we eat provide our bodies with vitamins and minerals which protect us from diseases. The dry season, then, is a challenge to families, especially to women who are responsible for family meals. This scarcity of green vegetables is sometimes so severe that…

Raise your Own Fish Fingerlings

January 1, 1995

Keeping fish in your rice fields reduces weeds and insects. Fish manure fertilizes rice and increases rice yield. Fish is also a nutritious and tasty food for you and your family. If you want to raise fish with your rice you need a supply of young fish. Today we will talk about how you can…

Raise Fish in the Rice Paddy

January 1, 1995

Rice paddies have lots of natural food for fish. This is one of the advantages of raising fish and rice together. Fish help the farmer by eating weeds and insects in the paddy field. And they fertilize the rice with their manure. On top of all this fish is a nutritious food for your family….