You are looking at scripts about Agriculture
The many uses of the prickly pear cactus
Here’s some information of special interest to farmers who live in places where the soil is dry. Have you noticed that the soil blows around your fields? Are your crops stunted? Have they stopped growing? You are not alone. There are many farmers like you who worry that they will have to keep moving to…
Cross-ridging Holds Precious Rainwater on the Land
Do your crops sometimes suffer from lack of water? If so, and if your land is flat or almost flat, what I’m going to tell you now may help you increase your crop yields next season. Sometimes when it rains, so much water falls in such a short time that it can’t all sink into…
A Fertility Trench Holds Water in Dry Lands
Does the soil in your garden get dry and hard in the dry season? Is it difficult to grow vegetables because you don’t have enough water? Some farmers with these problems grow very good gardens, even in the dry season. Here’s how they do it. During the rainy season they dig a fertility trench. A…
More eggs from Khaki Campbell ducks
Did you know that there is a kind of duck that can provide you with as many eggs as the white leghorn chicken? It’s a breed called the Khaki Campbell duck. With proper care a Khaki Campbell duck can lay more than 300 eggs per year. And the Khaki Campbell duck has other advantages. These…
Grow Moringa for Food and Fodder
An ideal tree to grow in the city or country is moringa (Moringa oleifera). Moringa will give you food, fodder, fuelwood and shade. Its pods make a tasty, nutritious vegetable. You can eat its tender leaves and flowers too. The leaves also make excellent livestock feed. Best of all, this useful tree grows quickly and…
Stone Lines Reduce Erosion
As a farmer you may live in a place where the land is dry. You might have noticed that soil blows around and that your crops don’t grow or are stunted. It may have started with a drought, or drought has made it worse, and you are worried that you will have to keep moving…
Prevent Erosion with Vetiver Grass
Vetiver grass (Vetiver zizanioides) can stop your soil from running away from home. Farmers all over the world use it to prevent soil from eroding on hillsides. It may work for you. If you plant vetiver close together in a row it makes a thick hedge. This hedge slows the flow of water down a…
Clean your saltwater using solar energy
Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Water is as important to life as air. Unfortunately, not everyone has clean, drinkable water. Some areas only have saltwater, which you cannot drink without getting sick. But there is a way you can purify salty water using the heat from the sun. This heat is called solar energy….
Use half-moon ditches to prevent soil erosion
Save and edit this resource as a Word document. You may live in a place where the land is dry and cracked. No trees, plants or crops grow there. Animals barely survive. You worry you will have to move to find better land for farming. You are not alone. Infertile land is spreading like a…
Stop Your Land from Turning to Desert
Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Imagine a vast area of land. Now, picture nothing on it. No trees, no plants – just dust and cracked earth. How does land get to this state? When rich earth that used to produce crops loses most of its fertility and becomes barren, we call…