You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

Farming for the Future: Introduction

November 1, 1998

Do you know about sustainable farming?  Many farmers are talking about it. It could be a solution to some of your farming problems. Sustainable farming can also be called long-term farming or farming for the future. It means taking care of the land. In return the land will produce food for many years. Farming for…

Learning to Manage a Loan

July 1, 1998

Narrator: Today we’re going to hear the story of a woman who received a loan to start a small business selling rice. During the program we will hear from the woman, Adina, and also from the loan officer who helped Adina get her loan. SOUND EFFECTS: RURAL SOUNDS (livestock, market, etc.) Adina: Hello. I’m Adina….

Women Start a Loan Fund

July 1, 1998

Sylvia and Joyce are farmers. Today they are discussing what they can do to earn extra money from their farming activities. Sylvia: Joyce, do you think we could take some of our extra vegetables to the local market? I understand that the prices of maize and beans are good these days and we could make…

Banks open for small business

July 1, 1998

Today I’m going to ask you to use your imagination and dream a little. Imagine that you have the opportunity to borrow a small amount of money. Then think about how you could use this money to improve your business. If you are a farmer you might want to consider planting a new crop. For…

Woman Farmer Invents a Cassava Grinder

July 1, 1998

Olga Turner has farmed for many years in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica. She grows over twenty herbs, fruits and vegetables on her two and half acre family plot. She works hard and makes good use of the resources she has on her farm. This has made her a successful farmer. Olga grows and…

Marie and Jean Thomas Grow Tropical Flowers in Coconut Husks

July 1, 1998

Tropical flowers are pretty, but often expensive. Even in tropical countries where the best growing conditions exist naturally, flowers are usually costly to grow and buy. But they do not have to be. Here is a story of two women in Jamaica who found ways to make a profit growing flowers. Their story is a…

Harvest Fresh Vegetables for Several Months

April 1, 1998

If you grow garden vegetables, then you know that gardening is a good way to save money and supply nutritious food for your family. Many garden vegetables can be planted over a period of two to three months. If you sow your seeds a few at a time over those months, you can harvest the…

Use Hot Peppers to Protect Stored Grain

April 1, 1998

Here’s an easy way to protect stored grain from insects such as weevils. This method is popular with farmers in the state of Bendel, in northern Nigeria. After you harvest your grains, dry them thoroughly. The grains should be dry enough so that when you bite them, they make a sharp cracking sound. If they…

Improve Manure to Make Better Fertilizer

April 1, 1998

If you are a farmer then you already know that by adding fertilizer to your soil you can increase yields and improve the quality of your crops. You can buy fertilizers that are made from chemicals. But you can also use things that you have around your home or farm to make your own fertilizer….

A School Garden Brings Land Back to Life

April 1, 1998

Shirley stood before the principal of Cophetsheni School in the White River District of South Africa. “I have an idea,” she said. “This school is surrounded by a lot of land – land that is not used for anything.” The principal nodded. “If you will agree, I would like to help you and your students…