You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

Land Ownership Rights: Access Denied – Why Women Need Equal Access to Land

October 1, 2000

MUSIC (Bring up program theme or other music…run for 10 seconds…fade under host…). Characters Narrator: Program host. Grace: Woman farmer. She is concerned about women’s right to inherit land. Simon: Grace’s husband. Narrator:   Coming Up: Access Denied…a drama exploring why women need equal access to land. MUSIC (Bring up Program Theme…run for 10 seconds…). Introduction (Narrator) :  They plow it…

Women and Credit – Part 3: Women Set Up a Purchasing and Marketing Cooperative

October 1, 2000

Save and edit this resource as a Word document. ANNOUNCER: Today’s program is about the women in our audience. You know how hard you work every day. So why is it so difficult for you to earn an income from your work? If you joined together with other women to buy and sell farm products,…

Women and Credit – Part 2: Women Start a Revolving Loan Fund

October 1, 2000

Characters Narrator: Program host. Sylvia: Woman farmer. Joyce: Woman farmer, Sylvia’s friend. Program host:   In our last program, we listened to Sylvia and Joyce as they discussed different types of credit that are available to women farmers.  They also talked about how women might use the money they borrow to earn extra income from their farms.  Today, Sylvia…

Women and Credit – Part 1: Women Learn About Credit

October 1, 2000

Characters Narrator Program host. Sylvia Woman farmer. Joyce Woman farmer, Sylvia’s friend. Program host: Like many of the women in our audience, Sylvia farms a small plot of land and uses most of the food she grows to feed her family.  Sylvia would like to sell vegetables at the local market to make a little extra money, but she…

Salma Goes into Business

October 1, 2000

Characters: Narrator: Host of radio program. Salma: 30 years old, mother of five children. Nasreen: Salma’s 12-year-old daughter. Kamal: Salma’s husband. Nasreen: (UPSET) Mother! Come quickly!  The police were here. They’ve taken Father away. Salma: What?!  Nasreen, calm down and tell me what is this nonsense? Nasreen: (CRYING) I saw it myself in the village. Father and two other men were taken…

Starting a Community Seed Bank

July 1, 2000

FADE IN MUSIC. ANNOUNCER: [Yesterday, last week, _________] we talked about community seed banks, and why it is important to save seeds from local varieties of crops. Some people put their savings in a bank. When they need extra money, they can take out their savings. This is the way most banks work. A seed…

Does your Community Need a Seed Bank?

July 1, 2000

ANNOUNCER: Most people think of a bank as a place to save money. Today we are going to talk about a different sort of bank, one that contains seeds, not money. It is a community seed bank. Why save seeds? Without seeds, crops will not grow. A wide selection of seeds protects a farmer’s investment…

Grow many different crops and crop varieties

July 1, 2000

Spot #1 Growing different varieties of crops is a good idea.  Why?  Well, if you grow only a few crops, and one or more of those crops fail, you might not have enough food for your family or to sell.  But if you grow many different crops and crop varieties, you improve your chances.  And…

Farmers Use Traditional Seed Storage in Botswana

July 1, 2000

ANNOUNCER: Farmers in Botswana use many traditional methods of storing seeds. They include: Woven baskets Bins made of cow dung and wood ash Earthen pots Mud granaries THEME MUSIC. Do you use baskets to store your seed grain? The people in Botswana, a country in Africa, do. They weave grass together very tightly to make…

Plant Breeding in the Philippines

July 1, 2000

THEME MUSIC. MUSIC CONTINUES SOFTLY UNDER DIALOGUE. ANNOUNCER: Today I’m going to talk about a group of farmers who are involved in a special plant breeding program in the Philippines. The program gives farmers an opportunity to test different varieties of rice — varieties that they haven’t grown before. FADE OUT MUSIC. There are a…