You are looking at scripts about Agriculture
My Friend the Dependable Sweet Potato
Program host: Mrs. Nyanga asked her primary eight school students to write an essay on friendship. Each student had to read their essay to the class and explain what made his or her friend so special. They also had to write about how you treat people who are your friends. Mrs. Nyanga was expecting essays…
Farmers Experiment and Discover: You Can Store Cassava
Characters Maria : A farmer, and narrator of the story Sammi : Maria’s neighbour, also a farmer MUSIC (Bring up program theme music and play for 10 seconds. Fade out to Maria.). [Narration] Maria: My name is Maria, and I grow cassava. It used to be that, when the harvest time came, I had little to do. I…
The Advantages of Growing and Using Finger Millet
Characters Program host Mrs. Mamba: An agricultural extension worker Program Host: Today, we’re going to hear about a crop that’s cheap to grow … stores well for years … is easy to prepare and cook … and is good for you. This may sound too good to be true, but there is such a crop. Many…
The Three Sisters: Maize, Beans and Squash
FADE IN SOFT, MELODIC MUSIC AND HOLD UNDER NARRATIVE. Narrator 1: This is a story about three sisters. Narrator 2: Or is it? Narrator 1: Three sisters live together in a garden.The sisters take care of one another. The first sister stands straight and tall, providing support for the second sister.The second sister provides nourishment…
Grow your own Fertilizer – Plant Cover Crops with Maize
Program host: Every day fertilizers cost more and more. And have you noticed that the fertilizers you buy don’t always keep the soil fertile? For this reason, many farmers around the world are growing cover crops — crops that cover the soil and keep it fertile. Cover crops are fertilizer crops. Could you grow fertilizer…
Growing Maize with Trees
Program host: When neighbours saw Fanuel Akutu planting trees in his field of maize, they laughed. They asked: Neighbours: What will you eat this year? Trees?! Program host: And they laughed again. SOUND OF NEIGHBOURS LAUGHING. Program host: Trees growing in a field of maize seemed funny. But the neighbours didn’t laugh for long. Today they believe that growing…
Diversity Beats Disease in the Rice Field
Characters: Program host Mr. Kwanga: An agricultural extension worker Farmer Chuma Farmer Suzgo SOUND EFFECTS (Sounds of the countryside: roosters crowing, birds singing…). HOLD SOUND EFFECTS UNDER DIALOGUE. Program host: As we begin today’s story, Mr. Kwanga, an agricultural extension worker from town, is entering one of the villages in his assigned region. The first person to greet…
Improve Rice Yields Without Buying Fertilizer
What is a green manure crop? A green manure is a crop grown especially to add nitrogen to the soil. It is planted before or after rice, when the land is vacant. Then it is ploughed into the soil, while still green, as fertilizer. Green manure crops can: Provide free nitrogen Reduce fertilizer costs Reduce…
Protect Your Rice: Prevent Grain Loss from Harvest to Storage
Characters Program host Mr. Raju: Farmer Ravi: Mr. Raju’s 10-year-old son Program host: The first step to reduce harvest and post-harvest losses of your rice is to harvest it at the right time. Listen to this conversation between father and son on how to avoid losses of the family’s rice crop, from harvest to storage. See…